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Okay I looked around a bit but could not find any MAPPING related stuff. Can we map with GTk and use the map in the new game. I've heard you can, so how is that done or possible? Also, will Raven put out a better more stable version of GTk or another editor so we can use that to create even better maps?


And does anyone know what kind of additions to M/P they will have to allow us to use S/P attributes in M/P?


Does anyone here have a LINK I can go to to get RELIABLE info concerning these issues?


Thanks in advance.......L_A_

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No link yet, but from what i understand, Raven will release editing tools sometime before or after the game comes out (most likely after). If it is GTKradiant or JAradiant is yet to be determined but if i was a betting man i'd say that they will produce their own set of radiant tools as they did with JKradiant. I know for a fact that MP scripting is available but i can't recall which interview confirms that but i believe Kenn Hoekstra said there will be MP scripting available. If i am wrong with any of these statements please disregard this post.

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