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clash of the titans - Ikhnaton (Supahfly) vs. GUNNER (Juggernaut)


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Supahfly used his Mythril Dagger to deal 14 points of damage. Juggernaut tried to dodge, but was not successful.
Supahfly blasts:

yeah. when you get some money, get the psychic overload spell. it attacks and heals at the same time. takes 100 mana though

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Juggernaut tried to use his fists. However, Supahfly's armor deflected the blow and Juggernaut was injured. Juggernaut lost 29 HP. Juggernaut has died!!
Juggernaut blasts:

I looked for an AK47 but no luck. Damn that's some armor you have. I just have a slice of bologna wrapped around me..

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Juggernaut tried to use his fists. Luck was with him, and he dealt Supahfly 26 points of damage.
Juggernaut jabs:

Oh yeah but it looks like it don't mean shiat right about now....


I'll try to hit you with a wooden spoon...

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Juggernaut tried to use his fists. Luck was with him, and he dealt Supahfly 27 points of damage.
Juggernaut taunts:

Trying to save up so when I buy a knife I dont end up broke. Plus poeple are asking for some cash so i'll hand some out when i have more. What should I get.

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Supahfly used his Mythril Dagger, but failed to do any damage to Juggernaut. Juggernaut begins to taunt Supahfly! Supahfly's anger grows by 10.
Supahfly taunts:

well, other than the yoink stick, the mythril dagger is the only really decent one. even the blood sword or masamune don't work as well most of the time

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Juggernaut tried to use his fists. However, Supahfly's armor deflected the blow and Juggernaut was injured. Juggernaut lost 30 HP.
Juggernaut blasts:

I also didn't know that when you use the "potion" to add 100hp that you lost it. That sucks big time...

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Supahfly used his Mythril Dagger to deal 14 points of damage. Juggernaut tried to dodge, but was not successful.
Supahfly blasts:

yeah. when you get some money, get the psychic overload spell. it attacks and heals at the same time. takes 100 mana though

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Juggernaut tried to use his fists. However, Supahfly's armor deflected the blow and Juggernaut was injured. Juggernaut lost 29 HP. Juggernaut has died!!
Juggernaut blasts:

I looked for an AK47 but no luck. Damn that's some armor you have. I just have a slice of bologna wrapped around me..

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Juggernaut tried to use his fists. Luck was with him, and he dealt Supahfly 26 points of damage.
Juggernaut jabs:

Oh yeah but it looks like it don't mean shiat right about now....


I'll try to hit you with a wooden spoon...

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Juggernaut tried to use his fists. Luck was with him, and he dealt Supahfly 27 points of damage.
Juggernaut taunts:

Trying to save up so when I buy a knife I dont end up broke. Plus poeple are asking for some cash so i'll hand some out when i have more. What should I get.

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Supahfly used his Mythril Dagger, but failed to do any damage to Juggernaut. Juggernaut begins to taunt Supahfly! Supahfly's anger grows by 10.
Supahfly taunts:

well, other than the yoink stick, the mythril dagger is the only really decent one. even the blood sword or masamune don't work as well most of the time

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Juggernaut tried to use his fists. However, Supahfly's armor deflected the blow and Juggernaut was injured. Juggernaut lost 30 HP.
Juggernaut blasts:

I also didn't know that when you use the "potion" to add 100hp that you lost it. That sucks big time...

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