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Am I doing this right?


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I just got into SWG (came over from EQ), and I started a Human Brawler. After a few days getting my bearings on Rori, I completed Intermediate and Advance one-handed weps. But then I noticed my Battle Fatigue was getting high.. So, I trained as an entertainer and started dancing to lower this Fatigue. Also, I trained as a medic and got most all of my wounds healed (i.e. Action, Quickeness, Health, and so on...).


Well, now I am working on my polearm advancement trying to get that up more... then the two-handed sword.. then the unarmed... And after all this, I will become a Master Brawler? Right?


One more thing, I have done a grip of missions Mostly delivery types and a few destroy types.. all great fun and well some are just the rights of passage to gain credits... But I have problems locating some places on the delivery items for 500+ credits. They show up on my Waypoint listing but I don't get the helping arrow or pilar of light to locate them. I travel outside the city to see if that works but still no help. Are these locations inside different cities? or is there a second step in completing these higher priced missions?


So far, I am really liking SWG and it has only been a two weeks.. wow, and there is so much more to do too... I just wished more people start playing then I can get into groups more like myself.. the ones on now are mostly very hard-core and know things that are far over my head. But I can wait.. I still need to uber-up my weps and skills and learn a few things about game. Then Watch-out.. Master-Jedi knight Odosan (hehe yeah not in my lifetime)...

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Glad to hear you're enjoying the game!


Once you go up all four lines in the brawler skill tree, you will be able to train in Master Brawler. You need apprenticeship experience for this however, which you get by teaching skills to other players. (Radial Menu > Teach)


Also, as far as missions go, deliveries don't pay very well at all. If you ask me, traveling upwards of 4000 meters just to earn 1000 credits isn't worth it. Destroy missions pay much better, even if they have been nerfed. I'm not exactly sure about your problem with the mission waypoints, but for some reason my waypoint arrows don't appear unless I'm going the wrong way. Look at your radar and check if the arrows appear down there.

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Jaag, Thanks for the info.. and yes.. I will start working on distroy missions .. I have gotten my Hand to Hand up to Advanced, going after the Polearm next.. but I need to get a weapon that I am certified with. Then maybe go onto 2-handweaps.. and that too, need a certified 2-hand weapon for that. Because I tried to us a noncert'd polearm and it was way below my hitting skill.


And yes, this is starting to get me attention very quickly in the game, all the things that can be done. But, like in EQ, it will take a while to build up my stats better.


Thanks again..


Now onto searching out weapon certifications and what weapon equates that that cert....

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thanks to the new patch most of the destroy missions are screwed up...getting an average of 1200 where I had been getting 2500+ before the patch...plus the delivery missions have noticeably dropped in payoff. Trust me tho...Delivery missions were very useful...now they arn't nearly so useful...I could earn 2000-4000 in 20 mins with Delivery. Now, the missions are taking disapointing turns with low payoffs. Explore missions are also to long...especially for the rare animals. How in the world am I suposed to bag 45 animals that barely EVER show up...only way is to take a mission...in which you may kill 5-8 of the animal...then go back to town, rinse, repeat...NEED MONEY TO BUY ARMOR! GUNS! *grumble*...and to pay maintinance...*grumble*

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One thing I am finding out about destroy missions, I get to work on my abilities a lot. Plus get some credits and some faction hits if I get a distroy mission from a town-folk. I am still to much of a newbie to know about the loss of cash on those missions..


but after getting to the advanced levels of my Brawler, I see 4 3rd levels experiences at 15,000 wowsers.. this will take some time and gosh the final ability level you need 70,000 exp each. Oh well, it is what I like about this game, you really have to put time into it and when you do attain that skill, you feel good.


I wonder if they have MP3 you can play while playing SWG...? I kind of miss that when I am out of tunes.

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im not an swg expert, but... Everyone says that it's better not to rush thru the game, as at the end u will get the "What do I do now?" kind of feeling. Judging by everything you've accomplished, I'd say you deserve a vacation on Naboo. Just go there and explore. :) other than that I can't help.

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