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Requesting Assistance

Billy Shears

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Ok, here's the deal. My Norton hasn't performed a successful virus scan since the 22nd of November, and since I'm coming up on the anniversary of the failures, I've decided to try and find out why.


Firstly, on my weekly scans, Norton is able to go through some files, but stops on History.IE5. Sometimes it will just close there with an error message, sometimes it will keep "scanning" it for a long time, after either it closes and an error message comes up, or I close it out. I did a search on the internet, and it seems that most of the people that have problems with History.IE5 have some kind of trojan virus thingy. The sites I've seen haven't been very helpful in telling what to do if you have one, because none of the sites had the symptoms that my computer does.


Secondly, I searched the logs of my scan activity to find when the problems started and noticed that it said on the 8th of December, "The file C:/Documents and Settings/All Users/Documents/my music/sample music/desktop.eml is infected with the W32.Nimda.enc virus. Unable to repair this file." So now I'm not sure if that is the trojan, a different virus, or if I may possibly have two?? Another similar message came up that same day, except instead of saying "Unable to repair this file" it said "Access to the file was denied." So I looked up W32.Nimda.enc on Symantec's website, and it said that the virus is detectable by the latest virus definitions, which I currently have.


It's all pretty weird, since I'm a careful person when it comes to downloading things off of the internet and opening attachments on emails, and that I should have had the latest definitions at the time of the scan failures. So, I am requesting assistance from anyone that knows anything about what's going on. Any help would be.........very...........helpful.

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I once had similar problems. My norton would stop at a specific file saying that it is corrupted or something.


In these cases, I just run a usual scan disk before windows starts, and it usually fix the broken files. For the trojan, there are some specific trojan-remover programs (the one I know about is called "the cleaner").


I'm not sure if you have the same problems I had, so maybe my info is not accurate.


In any event, Sherack will probably know how to help you :)

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Okay, first of all, I would like to say that waiting for so long before fixing a computer problem is a bad idea, especially if it concerns viruses. It's like a pregnant woman who decides to have an abortion a month before the birth of the child!


Nevertheless, we'll try getting rid of it for you. Have you tried deleting the history and running a scan? To delete the history, you must do the following in Internet Explorer: Click Tools, then Internet Options. Then click the "Clear History" button. After you've done that, click OK and try running a scan.


Also, you should consider upgrading to Internet Explorer 6.0 if you haven't done so already.


About Nimda, I remember getting that virus a long time ago. I don't remember what I did to get rid of it (I probably reformated, knowing myself), but I'd like you to take a look at this http://securityresponse.symantec.com/avcenter/venc/data/w32.nimda.e@mm.removal.tool.html

Download the removal tool and follow the instructions, hopefully it will get rid of the virus, or at least one of them :D


Now, about you not having scandisk, that leaves me extremely perplex. It's a tool that, as far as I know, is a vital component of Windows, something that cannot be opted out of a Windows installation. Let's make sure it's gone...

Double click on My Computer. Right click on your hard drive and choose properties. Click on the tab "Tools". The first one at the top, called "error-checking", is scandisk. If it's still there, run it with all the details enabled, making sure that it scans every single cluster on your hard drive. If it's not there, then damn... Maybe you'll have to think about reinstalling Windows.


Keep me updated!

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Originally posted by Billy Shears

Ok, here's the deal. My Norton hasn't performed a successful virus scan since the 22nd of November,


1st, Uninstall (from "Remove Programs" in the Control Panel) Norton. Either reinstall from the original disks then run its online update feature or get another virus scanner. I use AVG with much success.


Firstly, on my weekly scans, Norton is able to go through some files, but stops on History.IE5.


2nd, update to the lates Internet Deplorer. Or... disregard it alltogether (uninstall it, even though it really doesn't remove it) and install Opera 7. A wonderful browser... fast.... kills popups.... it's email client is simple and is unaffected by Outlook viruses.


I'd at least upgrade to IE6.

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Originally posted by Billy Shears

Ah, yes, well, there's another problem: My Scan Disk mysteriously vanished off of the face of my computer.....yes.....


Thanks for the help though. :)


I believe Darth54 was refering to forcing Windows to do a scandisk during startup. If you can't find it by following Sherack's advice (going through my computer), try forcing windows into a scandisk during startup. I can't remember the key you have to hold, but maybe someone else does.

*waits patiently w/ pen and paper*

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