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Multiplayer game types?


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Power Duel (2 vs 1)

Siege ("Assault" type team game with classes and vehicles)


That's all that's confirmed.


CTY, Jedi Master, and Holocron FFA will NOT appear in the game. Nor will coop (multiplayer completion of the single player campaign), sorry.

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QuikSilver2889...just an FYI...if you check the Jedi Academy FAQ at the top of the forum (link in my sig), you will find answers to a lot of your questions there. It's recently been updated with information on the Siege mode of play. ;)


And welcome to the forums. I hope you're enjoying your stay. :cool:

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Originally posted by Kurgan

Lot of new info on there, great work Stormie!


I sent you a few ICQ messages btw.. ; )


Thanks, Kurgan. And I've replied to your ICQ messages. I need to keep ICQ turned on more often, I guess. :p


I'll take on board the stuff you mention and update the FAQ again... ;)

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Originally posted by crow_nest

I read the FAQ somewhere and they said you will get double sabers and the saber staff throughout the game. Is this true?


In the SP game you will start off with a single saber, and then later on be able to choose between Dual sabers, or the Saber Staff. How much later is unclear - but I would imagine after at least a few missions.


In MP, you will be able to choose either Single, Dual or Saber Staff to suit your style, along with Force power customisation. :)

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