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Topshot Strikes Back - topshot (The Batman) vs. Dark Sad Shadow

Dark Sad Shadow

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Hitokiri the Battousai tried to use his fists. Luck was with him, and he dealt Dark Sad Shadow 24 points of damage.
Hitokiri the Battousai taunts:

Maybe it was just a fluke that I got an extra punch at you. Oh well, it doesn't really matter.

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Recalling time spent meditating in a cave, Dark Sad Shadow casts Intense Mediation in an attempt to heal his wounds. Intense Mediation is successful and heals 48 HP while costing 60 MA to cast. It appears that meditation in a cave has some benefits after all!
Dark Sad Shadow jabs:

ya know thats not fair but well.... lets see

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The Batman tried to use his fists. However, Dark Sad Shadow's armor deflected the blow and The Batman was injured. The Batman lost 25 HP.
The Batman shouts:

Yeah. You could still be the Shadow Lord, while I could be the Dark Knight of the Shadow Lord! :p

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Recalling time spent meditating in a cave, Dark Sad Shadow casts Intense Mediation in an attempt to heal his wounds. Intense Mediation is successful and heals 48 HP while costing 60 MA to cast. It appears that meditation in a cave has some benefits after all!
Dark Sad Shadow taunts:

only if i authorize that :p

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Recalling time spent meditating in a cave, The Batman casts Intense Mediation in an attempt to heal his wounds. Intense Mediation is successful and heals 48 HP while costing 60 MA to cast. It appears that meditation in a cave has some benefits after all!
The Batman jabs:

True, true........


Working on resetting my password for MSN IM. Should take a day to recieve an e-mail from there.

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The Batman tried to use his fists. However, Dark Sad Shadow's armor deflected the blow and The Batman was injured. The Batman lost 27 HP.
The Batman jabs:

Uh-huh. I've still got a lot of work if I'm ever going to increase in MP-using skill. Oh well........


*Smacks DSS across the jaw.*

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