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Is Coruscant in JA?


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Coruscant is my absolute favorite world in the SW universe. I can't even imagine how much better RotJ would have been for me had Luke and Vader's duel before the Emperor happened in Coruscant as it was originally intended (named Had Abbadon then).


I was so pleasantly surprised when I read Coruscant would be in JA and saw the screenies, especially since I had asked ravenchang (I think was the name he used here) had told me that Coruscant wouldn't be in because it was such a hard planet to pull off convincingly.


I only wish JA'a Coruscant resembled somewhat what I saw in that ffa Coruscant map released in pcgamemods this last week. If it doesn't, well I don't care I still get to visit my fave SW locale anyways. One thing I would like to see (like many have already mentioned) are some npcs walking about and maybe saying a thing or two before returning to the ol'hack and slash.

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As great as Coruscant is, nothing beats the really great ones like Ord Mantell and Corellia!


This low res, cropped picture is the only one I can find. The place that had the full thing was awesome. It's on some CD I think, like Making Magic, but newer, anyone know of something like this?



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