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You can't Prove it Wrong (ST-5)


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This is a Sub-Topic from a Multi-Thread discussion. The Main Thread is located at this link. http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=109356


[align=center]Sub-Thread 5 (ST-5) : Irrefutable Hypothesis[/align]



Scientific progress can be made only if a hypothesis is at least potentially open to dismissal. If you hypohtesis is not refutable (i.e. falsifiable) no matter what the evidence, then it is useless (of course, it may still be true, but there is no way to verify it).




A good example of this is ESP, or Extra Sensory Perception. Over the years, especially during the 1960's and 1970's, there was much hyperbole about ESP. The media was quick to pick up on the popularity of the concept among the general public and many "news" stories touted the breakthroughs in metaphysical studies and the validity of ESP.


Sadly, if the media learned a lesson it doesn't seem to recall it. It allowed itself to be duped by the extraordinary claims that came from what appeared to be credible sources (many argue that this is going on again, but with the unfounded claims of politicians). Especially since they were relatively free from rebuttal from the scientific community. It seemed that the scientists weren't eager to get involved in such nonesense and had little interest. The media and, subsequently, the general public took this to be de facto validity.


Some serious research was conducted, however, and very few results even suggested a possibility that there was a validity to ESP. Since it made its public debut in the 60's, no conclusive evidence has ever demonstrated that humans possess any abilities or senses that are not already well known and documented. In short, no ESP, telekinesis, ability to channel the dead, fortell the future, dowse for water, or even bend a spoon.


Yet, there are still those who will claim to have these abilities.


John Edwards makes, perhaps, millions at duping the grieved survivors of those who have supposedly "gone to the other side." No one seems to suspect that he might have a team of investigators that work the audience from the moment they get in line or check them out when the tickets are sold to them…. The one contention that I've heard that suggests he's a fraud is the question: "why hasn't Edwards communicated with someone who could offer some wisdom to us?" Einstein, Feynman, Thomas Jefferson, or even Mark Twain? Why hasn't he asked Hoffa what really happened? Why hasn't he transcribed the poems that Whitman surely had in his head upon his death? What about the lost evidence to mysteries such as the Kennedy assasination? John Edwards would simply claim (and perhaps has claimed) that since he is the only one that can "hear" those that have crossed over, how can he be "proved" wrong?


Another version of the Irrefutable Hypothesis, or perhaps a smaller facet of it, is the habit, sometimes skillfully, of completely sidestepping any disproof altogether!


Such is the case of ESP related claims of "Remote Viewing." The main evidence that exists for the validity of Remote Viewing is that the CIA once sponsored a program called Stargate that included "viewers" who would use a form of ESP to "see" remote sites and describe them to their handlers. Proponents of this unfounded and completely unproven "method" of spying claim that Remote Viewing is not only possible, but still in use today. It is THE urban legend of the military! :p I remember hearing stories about it from time to time while I was on active duty, but most of the rumors seemed to come from those individuals in the military who, like many civilians, were interested in the paranormal, ufos, etc.


The proponents will say, "it's been studied and proven" but will be unable to provide the proof. If they do, it'll be to a study that was conducted within Operation Stargate. This study was very inconclusive as, of the two primary researchers, one concluded, Dr. Utts, a Statistical Researcher, that the findings were doubtlessly in favor of Remote Viewing, the other, Dr. Hyman, a psychologist, concluded that the study was flawed and the viewers were influenced by bias from the handlers.


In fact, Hyman states: "If Utts's conclusion is correct, then the fundamental principles that have so successfully guided the progress of science from the days of Galileo and Newton to the present must be drastically revised. Neither relativity theory nor quantum mechanics in their present versions can cope with a world that harbors the psychic phenomena so boldly proclaimed by Utts and her parapsychological colleagues."


Other evidence that supporters of the concept of Remote Viewing will provide is of the many books and articles that have been written and the reception that the media has given the concept, but these aren't evidence at all. Books are designed to be money makers and the authors, who were perhaps among the best con men around since they conned the CIA, go on many tours, give lectures and hold "courses" in Remote Viewing around the country. Articles are designed to be marketing strategies and the media is always interested in frivalous government expenditures… especially those as fantastic as this.


I've some sources for information that some may wish to read:


Shermer, Michael, February 2003. Psychic Drift: Why most scientists do not believe in ESP and psi phenomena.Scientific American, found at: http://www.sciam.com/psiarticle


Hyman, Ray, 1996. "The Evidence for Psychic Functioning: Claims vs. Reality" Found at http://www.csicop.org/si/9603/claims.html


Hyman, Ray. "Evaluation of Program on Anomalous Mental Phenomena," Journal of Scientific Exploration, Volume 10 Number 1. Found at http://www.mceagle.com/remote-viewing/refs/science/air/hyman.html

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I have read some fascinating articles on John Edwards, since you brought it up, Skin. Here were some of the interesting tidbits:


Apparently there are many conditions to being on his TV show. You must fill out a rather detailed questionaire about yourself that asks questions about your family and friends. If you choose not to answer, you will not be allowed in the studio.


His TV show is heavily edited. When the show is watched without being edited for time constraints (as many hour long TV shows are), he asks many more questions than are seen in the edited version. Also, many of his questions are incorrect. In truth, it's a lot closer to watching a game of 20 Questions (hah, more like 90 questions) than it is to watching some paranormal phenomena.


I do believe that it's possible some of the people who claim to have ESP or other psychic faculties are telling the truth. After all, some police units do actually maintain the services of psychics, and the FBI has been known to use them from time to time.

However, I do not believe that "real" psychics have 1-800 numbers, TV shows, or anything else of that nature. They're nothing more than talented "cold readers," similar to con artists (and both with approximately the same success rate, right around 40%).

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I do believe that it's possible some of the people who claim to have ESP or other psychic faculties are telling the truth. After all, some police units do actually maintain the services of psychics, and the FBI has been known to use them from time to time.


Ask yourself this: Why do these people work at all? Why don't they just go to the Toto box at the local horse-race track and make a bloody fortune, and live off it for the rest of their lives?

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Ask yourself this: Why do these people work at all? Why don't they just go to the Toto box at the local horse-race track and make a bloody fortune, and live off it for the rest of their lives?


Maybe because those who say they possess ESP are lyers and those who are trully rich because of it don't talk much about it. Isn't it obvious. They are supermen, and noone would understand them. They are billioners sitting in their mansions raising plans for further domination over earth. Maybe you're one of them. It's certain that I am.:cool:

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Or perhaps they do not "see" in the way they are portrayed in movies, television, and late night 1-800 numbers.


Many of the more successful "psychics" have decidedly hazy instructions that they've received. Many describe it more as more of a gut instinct than a vision of some kind. And if it's not a vision, how could they see things like [lotto] numbers, or which horse will win at the track? Unfortunately, this works both ways - the frauds can be equally hazy, and who's to know the difference? One would hope that it could be concluded with strictly controlled testing, but there's a fine line here, to be sure.


Please don't think my personal view is that all psychics are real and walk among us - I'm really just playing Devil's Advocate here.

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