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Before I begin, remember that AdventureX is an idea that is currently "pending". It has never happened before and it will only go ahead if I'm certain that putting in time to planning and organising it will work and be successful - "successful" doesn't just mean 'point & clicks are revived', but it also means 'people will come' and/or 'there is interest in the idea/proposal'.


Basically, what AdventureX is, (or, could be) is an expo (rather like E3 or ECTS but on a MUCH smaller scale) that will showcase independant and commercial adventure games, adventure game engines and publications/ezines about the genre. We're mainly looking here at point and click adventures.


By that, I intend to have people like myself showing off the adventure games they're working on, but of course to have larger developers showing the games they have in production off. It's also my intention to get the press along to see also how many games are in development and that their accusation, "the point and click is dead" is utterly false.


If it all goes to plan, it will be held for the first time sometime next year in the UK, probably situated in London or another major city.


You can view the website here; http://screen7.adventuredevelopers.com/adventurex/ but remember, it is just a "place-holder" website to give you some idea of what it's all about, and in no way is the information included on it entirely accurate (you'll see some parts have been left out, or have lines waiting to be filled).


Well, let me know what you think :)





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