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jk2 flag bug


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Nope... :/ I just went back to blue base with the flag and i saw a teammate defending wearing the flag too. I was like WTF....switching to 3rd person view to make sure i had the flag and i had hehe. The other dude didn't even know he had the flag too. Even when you press tab to see the scores the flag icon was next to 2 blue player names.


So the reds chased 2 blue flagcarriers. Was pretty funny though. But sadly enough we died at same time...so don't know what happened afterwards....As soon as they capped everything was back to normal.

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In the united coruscant server we had a flag bug all of a sudden the red flag was lost forever, we went looking but still couldnt find it, this was on the ctf bespin map we even looked down the chasms, we looked for 5 hours and since the host wasnt there we ended up crashing the server. Really weird bug cause we looked everywere!

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