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So theres a maximum of 10 people on each server? Is there also computer people on the servers? What do you do in this game?


Is it true you can go fishing and hunting? Is there a website that shows all the classes you can be the fish you can catch and they thigns you can hunt?

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There are 22 server clusters, each simulating 1 Galaxy.

You are allowed to play on 10 of those, with 10 characters, but you can never create more than 1 character on 1 server.


I think the cap on how many can play on each galaxy at the same time is capped at 3500 people right now.


The aim of the game is to live in the Star Wars Universe. You can pretty much do whatever you want, and go almost where ever you want (within the confines of the game of course) just like a normal person in this universe.


Yes, you can go fishing if you want, but that's more like a social feature for you to hang out with some friends, although I do think you can sell your catch to a chef so he can make something out of it. I don't know. :)

And yes, you can go hunting. You can then harvest either it's bones, hide, or meat, use it yourself, or sell it to a chef, armorsmith, tailor, etc....


Go here and here to learn more about it.

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is there fighting in this game too? like imperials vs rebels or sumthing? and at the start do u have too choose from imperial or rebel? and i want too know if this game will run on my computer


Specs: P2 856 MHz

Geforce 4

256 RAM


do you need too know anything else?

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viper22, no GCW is not an expansion. There are no complete expansions for Star Wars Galaxies. The first expansion 'The Space Expansion' won't be ready for at least a year.


The Galactic Civil War is the war between the Imperial Empire and Rebel Alliance... you know the struggle in the movies, blah blah.


You start out neutral. As you partake in key factional mission you gain 'faction points' for the side you choose to help and lose 'faction points' in the opposite faction. You either get be overt or covert. Overt members can partake in faction battles and can be killed by overt members of the enemy faction.


About your computer specifaction, I hope you meant a Pentium 3 at 856mhz. If so, your computer specfications barely make the minmum requirements (intel/amd @ 900mhz, 256mb ram, gpu with HT&L or VS/PS.)

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Yes, but two versions a 'regular' and a 'collectors edition'. Both are the exact same game with the collectors edition having some extra features (ingame goggles/glasses?, pewter figure, artwork book, etc..)


regular is ~50 USD

collectors edition is ~80 USD

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