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Gender-specific dialogue ingame?


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Think about it, it'd take so much more space if they made additional voices for the Rodian and the Kel Dorr players..

I think they'll probably use a generic voices for male and female.

If they do make voices for Rodians and Keldor, they don't speak English, what are we going to do? Read subtitles? :p


But I'm just assuming..

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Subtitles are fine with me. If it weren't for them I wouldn't be posting here right now hehe.

But I dunno, you could assume that they'd at least get another voice for the Rodian, I think that every Star Wars fan worth his salt would protest if a Rodian spoke with a regular human voice. Besides, there are still things as file compression. But ah well.. two weeks to go , or less, depending on where you are, for our questions to be answered.

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