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Status Updates posted by DrPhil2501

  1. M'koy :) I thought you said Asuka was gonna stop her, or has Skywalker forgot about that?

  2. lol no prob. I've sort of lost touch with the world, due to Christmas. I've finished all me exams now :p

  3. lol alrite. I'll see if I can post now, cus I'll be going soon. Otherwise, I'll post later tonight.

  4. lol yes I am sure. I've been through that process when I joined - its just a way of finding your way out of all that "payment" crap.


    I assume you filled out your registration form (Username, Password, Email, etc...)


    If I remember correctly, after you complete the form, you will come across two choices; Either a Free Membership or a Choice Membership. The difference between the two is that if you click on Free Membership, you will be given the basic benefits of allowing you to upload and view artworks at no cost what-so-ever. A choice membership however gives you more exclusive benefits; like larger thumbnails images, more artworks to look at and advanced journal options with an annual fee.


    Be sure to select Free Membership.

  5. Also just to let you know, when you submit an artwork you will be sent to another page where it involves you selecting sizing of your images with a pricing tag beside them. To get out of this page, just go up the top of the page and select "View Artwork".


    I hope I answered your question. Deviant Art is free; it just depends on the options you select. Its just a simple process of avoiding those options where you have to pay something. If you have anymore questions, please dont hesitate to ask :)

  6. Yeah, kind of. Its basically a rip-off of facebook/myspace. The reason I ask is because I keep getting these notifications by myYearbook.com, asking me if I want to add this people to my friend list, play online quizes, etc... Whenever I click on a link from each of the emails, it takes me to this girls account and grants me full access. I just thought it may have been you, simply because of a whim. I'm trying to contact one of the admins to stop this nonsense from happening... But anyway, nevermind that :p

  7. yeh, the same with my dad. well, sort of... he baby-booms my big brother who has left. You know... like him paying for car insurance, when really my brother should do that himself as one of life's lessons. My dad can be a bit of an arrogant bastard aswell, cus one time I fainted from a car trip and collasped in the parking lot. He just told me "Get up, you're being ridiculous." I hate dads :lol:

  8. mmm, I guess that'll do for now. I'll add a new character to the casting call, and we can get this thing started. Hopefully new recruits will come along the way. Just give us some time to think of a character, k :)

  9. Yeah, I know... I was going to wait until she posts, but it looks like she's procrastinating abit haha. I think you'll just have to edit your post, and move on ahead with or without her. :/


    btw, I've been meaning to discuss two things about the RP. First off, I assume you are pulling through with the idea of killing Karela near the end of the RP? I thought it be a good idea if Kaneda developed feelings for Karela, so at the end of the RP it creates a tragic ending for him in a sense. People are sick of happy endings!!! lol. What do you think?

  10. I'm back from the trip :) still waiting for a response in the RP

  11. Also, I want to discuss about what will happen between the fight with Gatoa and the others. I was thinking about the Arashi's main objective, and to create a rather disturbing twist to it. Like in Mass Effect 2, how Reapers use organics to reproduce. I was hoping to do something similar with that, involving those prisoners drained of their chakra and left in a zombie-like state. Maybe use their drained chakra to ressurect this incarnation of the ten-tailed beast? Do you have any other ideas or suggestions regarding this?

  12. Thanks abunch. I'm back from the trip btw, and ready to continue. I already updated :)

  13. mmmm, sorry but I'm not really keen on bringing Orochimaru into this RP. I already have a main villain in mind, and its kind of a suprise. Its probably best to "let him be in peace" for now ;)

  14. yes its fine. And you dont need my permission ^-^ I look forward to it

  15. yeah haha. I was wondering what was going on with your legacy RP. Been busy studying? I'm enrolled in a Bachelor Degree for Screen Production (animation), and I'm already having trouble getting up early in the mornings :p

  16. yeah, I'm still in. Sorry, been working, studying and my latest concerns are curing my insomnia :p I made a reply in the shinobi RP

  17. lol sorry to disapoint you, man.


    I've been watching Shippudden, and I've read some of the manga. But I mainly go here for some reference. You can read about Sasuke from there...


    But to summarise what has happened to him so far: he has finally killed his brother Itachi, finds out the truth about why Itachi eliminated the Uchiha clan, and joins the Akatsuki in hopes to destroy Konoha.

  18. Aww. Dont worry, I'm sure you'll find someone who is right for you and next thing you may know you two are starting to hit it off ;) It happens unexpectedly.

  19. Lol. I was like that too, man. Dont worry. I once said this: you may one day meet someone who is right for you. And the next thing you know you two start hitting it off. The trick is to not think about it too much.

  20. If anything, I wouldnt even worry about it. LadyRevan is the one who is playing unfairly, so you have nothing to be sorry about o_Q

  21. Sounds interesting ^-^


    BTW, I hope you dont mind, but I was thinking about having Rawk suffering from cancer -explaining why he is coughing alot. Do you think that is too deep?

  22. lol woah, i cant believe I missed that :o :O :o DARK SORCERY! DARK SOCERY IT IS!!! :explode:

  23. hmm.... I was sort of thinking a few weeks after your character has recovered (i'll inform when a few weeks is done)

  24. lol yeah thats what I thought at first. But its for a benefit. Plus some of my friends are doing it, so that makes me somewhat happy. After that, I'M LIVING LIFE... while going to TAFE (a somewhat easy-arsed alternative to Univertisy :p)

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