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Darth Kalverys

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Everything posted by Darth Kalverys

  1. Well, not completely. We live in the same region... we just have like 5 different school districts here. Our main public district (the one I go to), then two smaller public districts, a "private" district, and then our sunshine district.

  2. Yeah the thing is that my 95% of my best friends don't go to my school. :D But I still see them anyway.

  3. Well I work with one of my best friends, so I see him a lot. But all my others when I've tried to hang out with them, they were gone on vacation. :fist:

  4. It's been a long and boring summer, that's for sure. I can't believe that I'm saying this, but I can't WAIT for school to start back up.


    How have you been?

  5. Hey! It's been a while hasn't it?

  6. But I'm tired... so I'm thinkin that Imma head off to bed, it's nearly 2 in the mornin here. Plus I gotta have rest for the Breaking Dawn release party!!! See ya laterz!

  7. Well... like I said, I've been around, just prowling unseen (aka not logged in). :D But it is nice to be back and noticed.

  8. Well... I got bored with it. I REALLY didn't want to learn to drive a standard, and well I had a Tahoe graciously given to me. So that's my new vehicle. I used to have a Ford Explorer... but I HATED that vehicle. ^_^ So then I got the mustang, but continued to drive the Explorer, then gave the mustang up cause I was too lazy to learn to drive it, and finally it came down to my Tahoe. :D I'm rather happy with it.

  9. Meh...I got rid of it. I got a new vehicle... that's 3 in six months!!! I thought it was rather funny, but not that it was any problem. As far as I know, I'm the ONLY 16 year old who has had that many cars in so LITTLE time.


    And well, I've been back. Just quiet for quite sometime.

  10. Meh...I got rid of it. I got a new vehicle... that's 3 in six months!!! I thought it was rather funny, but not that it was any problem. As far as I know, I'm the ONLY 16 year old who has had that many cars in so LITTLE time.

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