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Mandalore The Shadow

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Everything posted by Mandalore The Shadow

  1. I saw if you need any avys or sigs let me know i can usualy make some decent ones like this one:



  2. well if you want one of just his hemet i just made one just to give you another choice but use whatever you want i wont be offended



  3. i do but what matters is what you think

  4. Well thanks for using it and lots of people dont like me status on this site is no garentee of popularity [sadface]

  5. Are you gonna use it? I don't know why Ulmont does it but I do it because I want to help out. Why aren't you supprised I get alot?

  6. Try this it looks better as an avy than it does big just a warning


  7. Ahh friend requests i get too many but i accepted yours ner'vod

  8. ok i didnt have a use for it

  9. do you want this one:



  10. your welcome i thought you might want it

  11. do you need mando skins for any mods?

  12. I hate it too im with you and Darth Groovy on this one

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