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Mandalore The Shadow

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Everything posted by Mandalore The Shadow

  1. ok boys lets make some TEXAS TOAST

  2. no then we burn TEXAS!!!

  3. i miss you guys too im coming back but im a retired modder

  4. The rise of mandalore the shadow or somthing to that effect

  5. hey Q you know how the RP forum works right? well if you do can you create one for the mando group because i dont know how im suppose to do it

  6. She is a chick now is she hot?

  7. no bring her hack to where ever you got her

  8. thank you i do like Rav Bralor in case you wanted a prefrence

  9. now find mandalore a woman or a son to adopt preferably both

  10. fine sniper duty it is but take this flamethrower just in case

  11. fine u r on 'fresher duty

  12. commander q scramble the basalisk droids

  13. Join this social group if you are a real mandalorian fan. One thing though I am Mandalore: http://www.lucasforums.com/group.php?groupid=53

  14. I have been gone for like 2 or 3 weeks I missed you guys!

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