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  • Location
    East Coast
  • Occupation
    Future Game Designer
  • Current Game
    Revenge of Revan
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  • Favorite LucasArts Game
    Kotor1, Kotor2
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  1. On top of my head:


    Lightmaps work in both games, though the UVWmapping of the lightmaps might get mangled. Which gives odd shadows etc...

    So far I haven't found a way to get rid of that problem once it happens. This happens mainly because I use auto-mapping functions in 3Ds Max. Benifit of the automapping is it's quick. But it's dirty; so to speak.


    The long way around is to map all lightmaps by hand. But most of scene's contain hundreds of objects. So it takes some time to do and it doesn't mean it'll be 100 % OK in the end.


    Though I guess dropping questions on a 3Ds Max forum might turn up some neat scripts and user-made plugins. I already use 1 such plugin to create my lightmaps.


    Another issue is the non-solid walls. The camera floating behind the player and his party just goes through anything. It's also a problem for enemies; they see through it to. Start reacting to the player miles away, even if they aren't supposed to see him. So it potentially messes up scripts to.

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