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Status Updates posted by HIGH ON PIE 14

  1. You'd be screaming for help and I'd be like. "Do you mind? I'm talking to Mira over here?" Yeah we would all be bugging the KOTOR chars. :D


    Wow, I wish I had cool dreams like that. Of course after this, I'll probably have something similar. I'm searching around for some good quotes for my sig. I'm gonna put Cameron in, but I need a good quote from her. (She is in my albums) And I'm half way through Urban Death, so if I'm a bit slow, thats why. ;)


    Yup, DY died and I dissappeared cause I saw something shiny. :D We are still the bestest jedi ever!



  2. Haha, a few wrong letters, nothing major. I have not gotten TFU yet, though I plan to. I want it sooo badly.


    I know what you mean about being drunk, its fun until you try to say somthing and then it comes out all weird and people don't understand...especially when they are drunk too. :xp:



  3. Okay, I know this is long in the coming, but I finally read your rough draft. I like it very much, and I thinki that this is some of the best, if not the best, emotion you have written. The only thing I would sufggest is a bit more physical description of perhaps the robe fallling off or the surrounding area. But that is my writing style...honestly there is not much I can offer with this. Other than a bit more physical description...no other suggestions. When I read this I was like "wow!" I'll save the rest of my thoughts on the chapter for SiD.


    Sorry this took so long.



  4. Its a rather long story, so I do have to take breaks from time to time. Errgh, can't find good Cameron pics!


    Hehe, that dream does make sense now huh? That would be just our luck, own all the sith and then have the ship fly away. :xp:


    I'm gonna try that before I go to sleep. See if it works. 400 posts...geez Burnseyy. :D



  5. Thanks! I have been keeping up with the K3 group, but I´m sure there is stuff I have missed. When I get back I´ll probably ask you to pm me with what we have so far. Incidentally, how close are you to starting the writing of your part for chapter one?


    If there is anything that you want my opinion on, just post in the K3 group and direct it at me. :)


    But I really did pick the worst time to go on vacation, and Burnseyy is leaving the day before I get back. Still it could be worse...we could have gone on vacation in the middle of the fic. :xp:


    I know, only two hours of internet every other day is killing me!



  6. She said ash as in the tree? :lol: Not to discriminate, but what a blond moment! :xp:


    Thats how grade work at my school too. But I'm okay with it cause I basically got 90% A in every class, cause I do just as much as I need to to get an A and thats it! :D There's math in psychology?


    Oh, I despise that teacher who asks me those questions. He just drones in monotone the whole class, saying stuff like "Located on the board are the questions for tonights homework assignment. You are to complete said questions as I alluded to earlier" blah blah blah. :xp: AP Government is a bitch. Wish I took psychology...and dropped Spanish, but then I would have went to Spain for nothing, sooo I stick with it. The class is taught in pure spanish so I don't understand like 95% of whats being said.



  7. I've seen your hair and I would let you in just for that! (well I saw your old hair cut) :xp: Anyway, good luck with your college, I hope you get in. So you are a Solo fan? He was the favorite from the original star wars, for me, I think. I'll probably get pounded for this, but I liked him better then Luke. :D


    Hehe, I'm behind with writing though. Well I have a three day weekend so I'll probably get some stuff done. :)



  8. I know, that makes our K3 thing off to kinda a rough start huh? Where are you going anyway? Hope you have an easier time there than I am in Spain...


    :lol: Yeah I know what you mean about Harry...liked his determination and how he had to deal with all kind of hardships, but his mood swings were annoying - just like Hermione´s - but since she is a girl, she has a legitimate excuse. :xp: Yeah Tonks is cool, (at least in the 5th and 7th anyway) Thats funny that they were your favorites before the got together. I heard that when the 7th book came out and JKR was signing them, a couple, dressed up as Lupin and Tonks came up to her with their books. JKR felt super guilty because she killed them both off. Unnecessary deaths in my opinion. She can kill Tonks but not Malfoy? :confused:



  9. Well, have fun on your vacation Burnseyy!


    Will you be around to post much? I read your new addition in K3 group. I like it a lot. Well now that you and DY have your bits out, I should finish those projects then, so I can really get cracking on K3. I have five summer projects, and they are all due on the 18th. God, my school is cruel. They have really been hindering my progress...my Government project is twenty essays and a book (most boring book ever) :(



  10. Nah, that was Chloe O'Brian. You would love her. She is so quirky, she is on the show 24. I like it, but its so American.


    As to Cameron: I assume you have seen the terminator movies? If you have, you know they are cyborgs and don't have real emotions or anything. Cameron is a terminator in a 16 year old girl's form, in the new twrminator TV series. She says weird stuff and does not understand human behavior.


    Yeah, DY does have more. Wow you guy were busy posters while I was gone. I want my custom title. :xp:



  11. I like certain things in the Olympics, though I have to say U.S. basketball is rather boring as its always a blowout. Honestly I've been enjoying Volleyball the most, great match against Serbia today. There are a limited number of things I watch in the Olympics, but yes once they are over...I doubt I'll watch that much more.


    As for the outcomes, I'm fairly pleased except for gymnastics inj which I think China bribed judges because they always win and there were many people I thought were better. Its funny how most of the stuff China wins is the subjective stuff. Makes my blood boil. Those "tiebreaking" incidents you mentioned are infuriating.


    As for jet lag, I'm just trying to get a lot of sleep, but I'm so tired, I keep putting off typing then next TFP chapter. I'm really trying to force myself to adapt to American time. (Spain is six hours ahead). Still, its kinda bad for K3 that so far there has always been one member gone. You are not going on vacation inm a week are you? :xp:


    How have things been going in the month that I missed?



  12. Will do. ;) Incidentally, because of the 40000 character limit how are we going to fit all three of our stuff into one chapter?



  13. Yeah I´ve got pale skin too. I literally stand outside for five minutes and my head looks like an overgrown tomato with hair. :xp: I get burned everyday here in Spain...so much sun.


    Yeah she kinda just stuck it in at the end of the battle that Lupin and Tonks were dead. Yet another brain fart, JKR! Also, I took issue with the fact that Bellatrix Lestrange was supposed to be a powerful witch, but was dispatched by Mrs. Weasly...that was...random :confused: I honestly wanted Neville to do it, because of what Bellatrix did to his parents. Fred and Hedwig made me upset, but Dobby actually made me cry. Not so much his dying, rather that on his tombstone they wrote- "Here lies Dobby, a free elf" :cry6:



  14. I did not see what you wrote to Burnseyy so I have no idea of the specifics of what you told her. I'd love to go over it with you either here or via pm, whichever you prefer.



  15. Thanks. :D Yeah I'm not going to rush, its just frustrating because I have good ideas, but am too tired to form them into a good story, much less type it, as I'm the worst typer ever. Still, the jet lag is getting less everyday so...:D Once all three of us are in our home envbironments, we will go much faster. :)


    No, I was just speaking general. I didn't expect anything drastic to have happened, other than the whole Russia/Georgia thing.



  16. Yeah, I'm thinking about bringing Mission in for a while, though I might need someone bigger. I will definitly add some KOTOR references in there. I myself would be more inclined to read a fic with KOTOR characters, simply because they are familiar to me, so I don't blame anyone for not. :) Thanks for the advice!



  17. I mean, I can understand better than the other people, who are a bunch of dumb seniors (I'm the only junior in the class) and I'm the only one who got above a 70% on our first test, got an A. :D I like language, but I don't like classes on it. One of those things I'd rather learn on my own. But to get in a good college over here you need at least three years of languge and its better to have four...so I put up with it. Could be worse, I could be taking French. :xp:


    1990's America? Wasn't Gatsby in the 1920's? Hehe...you are like me I'm smart, but overlooked. Nobody considers you the "smart one" even though you get better grades than half of the "smart kids"...so typical.


    Still, my school has a Sci-Fi Lit class, so maybe I'll take that next year. You spend the whole year reading Sci-Fi stuff and writing scripts. The teacher has conections to the Paramount movie studio, and he submits them there. That could be my "fun" class next year.



  18. I can take or leave the movies to be honest. :¬: I saw the preview for the TV series and decided to give it another chance.


    The new TV series...has potential. Honestly I watch it for Cameron and her funny lines. Helena Bonham Carter is not in the series...unless you mean the new terminator movie that is coming out? I think she is in that.


    Cameron is from a terminator TV series which is Arnold free. :) The show can be made better but its got some good stuff in it.



  19. Well, I don't know how far you got, but he starts going with Jordan Baker later on. She does absolutly nothing the whole story though. :xp: Oh, one teacher remembers my name, but she said it was because she was gonna pick on me all year.


    Passive noun?...erm, I don't know, always sucked at grammar, as you ptobably noticed in TFP. :D Eurgh, that reminds me, I supposed to be doing a Beowulf alliteratiopn pattern essay right now. *barf*


    Well I added the cyborg girl, Gina, into next chapter and I added her into the last chapter, which was funnily enough, like the second one I wrote.



  20. Atris Haters - We should have T-shirts. :xp:


    School's going pretty good, although Spanish 4 is killing me. I have like twenty As then I get one D and suddenly my grade drops ten points.


    Yeah, I know the chapter is kind of long. I'm taking DY's advice and writing shorter chapters to be released at least once a week. That will work better I think. So you put off homework?:eek: (the horror) Procrastinate now, don't put it off! :xp:


    Luckily I've had tons of time this weekend to get caught up on reading and writing. I wish I had a 3 day weekend every week, it makes things so much better. Well, I better get to finishing up chapter 6 of TFP.



  21. Actually you guys have 16 gold medals! I found the medal standings, finally. :)http://www.nbcolympics.com/medals/2008standings/index.html Women's beach vollyball tonight. U.S. vs. China for the gold. :D I always go for England or Italy when the U.S. is out. I'm half Italian and believe it or not the English are very well liked over here. (At least where I live)


    Yeah, dolphins are so smart. The U.S. Navy trains them to locate underwater bombs and mines. Yeah, you should probaby just chill tonight. Oh, those poor dogs! I never heard about them. You should buy some after-sun cream, let me tell you, it's well worth it.



  22. This does not seem predictable to me. Earlier on, yes. Whith Yuthura on her mission, many of the readers probably are not even thinking of Revan. I like your idea very much. Though it will probably end sadly for Yuthura, I'm guessing.



  23. No, no, a 70% is a C-. I was the only one who got above that, got a 90% A (which is the lowest possible A :xp: )


    Yup, Jordan. :)


    We should form that group. Sometimes teachers suck up to the popular kids...sickening. Sorry to ditch ya now, but I was supposed to have this eassy finished an hour ago...oops. Talk to you later. If I get this essay done I should be able to update TFP this weekend.



  24. Yeah, it just came on this year on Fox.


    I've heard so many good things about Scrubs but have not found the time to get into it. I do hawever watch Will and Grace. :lol: Love that show.


    Ahh, poor you, looking like a sith. *runs off to buy you a plastic red lightsaber* :xp:



  25. It seems longer because all of the chapters were enormous. :D I'm working on making them more manageable though.


    Yeah, I'm a nerd in the classes that I know I have to work hard in. Like in AP Art History the teacher calls me "nerd in the back." :xp: But she is a nerd, so calling me a nerd is like a compliment. In easy classes the teachers hate me because I just know the stuff and don't try. They call me lazy...whatever. :¬:


    DY is going to try to show Atris from a good side in his new fic. He hates her guts, so this should be interesting...


    Wait till you meet Reana'ka Norian in my fic...I'm setting her up to be the manipulative b!tch. :^:



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