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Everything posted by Burnseyy

  1. Yeah, I admire people when they aren't content with themselves, but don't just sit and mope. Instead, they get up and do something about it. I think I became that person, without knowing, these last couple of years. I've reached a stage I'm halfly content with, but still want to achieve. The people I admire more though, are those that do something about it, succeed, but do it without others help... because I know how hard that is.


    When people ask "what is the meaning of life?" well... it's what ever meaning you give it. If you think it's pointless and then you die, you've created that for yourself. If you think it's to help as many people as possible, you've created that for yourself. Wouldn't you agree?

  2. Okay, maybe not always. But making the person think subconsciously through question is usually more effetive. If I asked you "is Yuthura really that amazing a character?" you'd think and tell me either why you thought she was amazing, or say 'well she may not be this, but'... though if I said "Yuthura is a rubbish character" you'd simply get annoyed and probably wouldn't even think about it.


    It works on everyone I know anyway. Also, bigging up someone's ego works too, with the right people. When ever I want to go to one of my friends houses, but they're too tired/busy, I just say "well, you're a great host" or "you make the best food!" and they'll get all 'egoed up' and let me come round to their house. I used that in the Huntress... works with the right people.

  3. I hate 'perfect' heros. I hate 'perfect' people. Because they're not perfect, simply in the sense that they're dull, typical and usually have a big weakness that they keep hidden.


    'Happily ever after' can happen for some people. It'd be insane to say everyone dies without accomplishing what they wanted. The irony is that... people with big aspirations usually never meet them, and the ones with small aspirations may meet them, but once it's done, what's left? And also... what's the point in living with boring goals? That's why I always set challenges for myself and think big. If I don't, I'll never come near achieving it... but if I try, at least that's something. Disappointment is something I learned to live with, long ago.


    I'll hopefully write a bit more of Huntress tomorrow. It's about time it had an update.

  4. True. But then Vader killed his wife. >_> So that kind of killed his reasons for joining the sith. Using questions instead of statements is always more convincing. "would it make a difference?" "it won't make a differene". Because questions make the person actually think. Statements are just opinions - and no one listens to someone elses opinion.

  5. Oh, well done on the reviews I have like one on my whole page ... I'm slowly getting the hint. :xp:


    Irony is important. I haven't really had a chance to put it in my stories yet, I don't think, but some of it IS coming up very soon. Obviously if you let everything work out for the best, it'll get boring.

  6. I prefered the original trilogy, because... well, the original is just always better. The new one had better graphics, but the storyline wasn't as good, I thought. I do prefer the old republic era... the characters/story was much better.


    I can't see how Yuthura and Vader are similar :confused:

  7. nah, I like to have as much free space as I can. What's the point in being so restricted to specific traits/happenings when you're writing a story? Yuthura is completely original - how many secure ideas did you have for that? Hardly any I bet - you used your imagination.


    I like new characters - the same old usually bore me. Han Solo is this exception. :xp:

  8. Oh yeah, I hate it when my neighbour plays his music loud. It's always low base dance/rnb/rap... and really bad tunes at that. Which, no, don't help with the situation. What I want to know is how he falls asleep so late/wakes up so early!


    I like the characers I guess. I'd never buy a SW novel that had, say, Padme as the main character. She's just so bland. Darth Bane sounded interesting, and Han Solo is an all time favourite.

  9. No, he's like teenager/early twenties in the story i'm reading. His friend WAS a wookiee, but it wasn't Chewbacca lol.


    I have another book waiting on the shelf, which has Jacen Solo in it. It's part of the Legacy of the Force series.

  10. Poor Han. He's lost a lot of people in his life... for a fictional character.

    Sounds like an interesting story - though I'm not one for wars. Ironic, since I love Star Wars. Han's the main character then is he?


    I think the story I'm reading now will give me a few good ideas for the Huntress. I don't know how Mira wasn't a scoundrel. She was just like Mission (who was a scoundrel) but a scout!


    I gave £1 to a cancer charity today and got a sticker. :^:

  11. What's Hero's Trial about? And how many SW novels do you own?


    I started te Han Solo book last night. It was so sad. Han's best friend died because she tried to protect him from a cruel slaver during his escape, and it lasted so long! He wouldn't leave her side, but she kept on saying 'go or else i'll die in vain'.


    Definitely reeled me in, it has. :D

  12. :lol: Well that was clever of you. I've accidently taken a vitamin instead of a pain killer, before, and wondered why the pain wasn't going away... I felt rather stupid swallowing two vitamins with water, when I found out... T_T


    I've posted a few questions on K3, if you want to check them out.


    How are you today?

  13. God I'm tired. Sorry, I can't stay on later. Maybe my sleep patterns are back to normal.


    Speak tomorrow!



  14. True - but you may find that if you start you'll be inspired.

    That's happened for me a few times.

  15. If you'd rather get on with the story, I'll stop talking, if you like. :)

  16. I'm fine, thanks. I'm just looking at some of Aimo's drawings - they're so good.

    Finished drawing Atton/colouring him in... but I can't be bothered uploading it, just yet.



  17. LMAO "Mumu the furry temptress!"


    Oh god, I think I lost a lung. :lol:

  18. Aye, KOTOR isnt on this laptop - it's on my dads computer because the laptop's useless!


    Currently downloading acrobat, and awaiting amazingness :D

  19. Damn I haven't got acrobat. And no sites let me download it free.


  20. Oh alright. Could you send me the link again? The message is pretty far back and I don't know what page it's on lol

  21. Wait, so you've done something that you're not proud of, but you don't want to talk about it? :confused:


    If I need money on K1, 2 i usually just play pazaak (because I'm pretty good at it!) getting hundreds at a time. But if there's not pazaak players around, I usually just sell useless stuff to shop keepers... it gets money up pretty quick.

  22. sorry, I was bringing the shopping in.


    I don't use cheats for KOTOR. There's no point, because half of the game is using money and stuff to help others.


    I was drawing Atton... but he looks more like a Disciple/Atton than just Atton.

  23. In don't think you're drunk lol and you can say what you want.


    I'm watching... well, I'm not watching TV, but big brother is on (don't like it). And I'm drawing. :^: you?

  24. Perhaps once the sith thing is over, Vash can refuse Yuthura to stay in the war any longer, and she can be sent back to Coruscant.


    I told you Hanharr was annoying! And I'm going to get him soon... Guh. Does he even have a past? I've forgotten almost everything about him except he's rubbish.

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