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Status Updates posted by Burnseyy

  1. I like playing both sides. Light side is always more rewarding for me, because that's more like me. But Dark side is interesting. They certainly have a few good arguments in the games and so on so forth. I can understand why some people fall - what would you say to someone who offered you a seemingly better life? Of course you'd go along with it... until you realised it's all a lie, but by then it's consumed you.


    The one thing I really hate doing is killing Mission at the end of K1. It's just so bad. She's about the only truly loyal one of the whole crew!

  2. Sure thing! :D

    BTW, I'm so sorry I've only inked the first 3 characters you asked me to draw. I've slacked off.



  3. I hate disconnecting mid conversation, too, but it happens. And it's fine, because we know the real reason you log off.


    I can't wait for that game to come out! Second it comes out, I'm grabbing my £30 EMA and heading for the shops. :D I like playing darkside, sometimes, because it's like breaking free from normal thinking... which is why I'm reading Darth Bane: Path of Destruction atm.

  4. Well I don't have Carth... he's just with Bastila, who's my character. But yes, I think that would be a very... fitting part of the story. :lol: pretty good dialogue for 30 seconds worth of thought.


    I have Bao, who's having a romance. Is Bastila having a romance with Revan? >_> or is that looong gone? Mira isn't going to have a romance.

  5. The films just put the books to shame. The films are terrible. I still watch them, in some hope the directors will realise the books deserve more effort, but alas, no avail lol. The third one was my favourite of the first three... probably only because Lupin became my favourite character (at that point) but y'know.


    At least you go to college with a good connection lol I think I'd be pretty P.O. if there wasn't any at mine. But obviously, being in a modern society, there will be. Hope it starts to work better soon!

  6. Up on K3. :xp: if you look on OotP as well there's an amazing picture of Tonks and Lupin's death (i didnt draw it... its just awesome!)


    And I get'cha. I was only kidding. I suppose it always starts that way, unless they're not good looking but have a great personality. But in this case, Mission will have both! Dustil's got it lucky... I'm sure Carth will be proud of his son. :lol:

  7. Wow, I didn't even have this much trouble in Spain, and that was the worst connection I'd ever had. You must really have a poor connection.


    Have you seen any Harry Potter films?

  8. Ah, such a typical guy, only liking her because she's ... matured physically. :xp:

    Well I'm the same with guys, so I can't talk! Didn't find any guy attractive until they hit puberty. But honestly... can you blame me? Weedy, small and immature. Gawsh. How others went out with people at that age is beyond me.




    I drew a few pictures from K3 on holiday, but just for fun mind. Like Exile being reunited with Bao-Dur, Dustil and Mission laughing with each other, and Exile arguing with Revan (it's bound to happen, but even if it doesn't, I like the picture :^:)

  9. Haha yeah! I couldn't have written all that up within an hour or so either. Well worth the wait though :xp:


    Don't feel guilty. We've only written up rough drafts... I think DYs finished with his, but mines barely even set off yet, and I was here most of the time!


    How do you plan on making Dustil and Mission get along? I mean, yeah they know each other... but there has to be that 'spark' there. :D

  10. Awesome chapter and a half, there!

    I feel shameful, I wrote nothing over my holiday :lol: but I did read.

  11. I know! You're all lucky! It's a hefty fee to get to America, but once you're there, it's like a dream come true! Cds cost... how much? $15? Maybe the really good ones cost $20? Here the CDs are £15-£20... and they wonder why we download songs illegally? hah.


    And I know... That sentence should at least have been said between gritted teeth... but nope! Though I did take the money very happily. :^:

  12. What do you mean, maladjusted?! I was told this from an inside source... their son. :xp: Besides, if you'd lived next door to them for 6 years, you'd know just how obvious it is.


    I don't steal big things.. usually just make up and stuff that's at a low cost. I'm quite good at it - never been caught. And I'm not the type to hand in a tenner if I saw one on the street. I'd just take it. But little thefts like that are absolutely harmless... Besides, everythings overpriced.

  13. :lol: Of course you wanted to talk to me.


    And I don't mind outdoors or indoors. I haven't really had a real job yet, though, so who knows!


    Well I live in a rented house, and the guy who robbed a bank is in prison. However, they're also druggies, and they have 'contacts', so they have stolen goods in their house like plasma screen TVs, a new car every month or so. Damn themmm.


    I'm so happy, my relatives came round before and gave me £10 each for getting good grades on my GCSEs! I really didn't expect it... and most of all, I didn't except the words 'you can't give me money!' to come out of my mouth lol.

  14. Hey, I like talking to you, too! Hmf. Enjoy your time off. :^:


    And I'd be a complete liar if I said I've never stolen before. But they robbed a bank!


    Look out for those guns, especially if your neighbours are crazy. :)

  15. Meh, I've been told a thousand times over it's rubbish, but I don't let other peopels opinions become mine, too, unless I've seen it for myself lol

  16. I... don't think we have anything like that. If we do, I've never seen one before lol I just tend to read the Manchester Evening News when it's out in shops, or been sent through the door. Either that or the GMTV.


    It is true people on TV yell a lot! But never as loud as neighbours... Especially mine. They're always hammering the wall and shouting all manner of things at the dogs, their kids, and even at inanimate objects.


    Did I ever mention they were thieves?

  17. Nah, I like working on K3, though it'll be a bit weird once we get well into it. It'll definitely top my story, on my own, but I'm not too bothered about that lol


    Well, I got my grades... Clone wars came out... thats about it. Oh, and England rained a lot. :^:

  18. You can't multi-task? I think that's about the only part of music I could actually do. It comes naturally to me, and Guitar Hero proves that. I despise pianos/keyboards... I've spent 9 years with a friend who basically has one attatched to his hands. It's maddening. :lol:


    I know, that's the difficult part. I think people reading it might think 'theres like no emotion in this, pfft, not good enough', but have they seen the characters? Thankfully Mission's in the picture now, and I've managed to get a bit of fear across, a bit of embarrassment on Mira's part, love and loss from Darren and feeling of neglect from Visas.


    I don't want to seem like I'm copying K3, because it's so strange working on the same story, but going in a different direction. I mean... mine is STILL a KOTOR 3 in a way, but its not supposed to conform to the natural flow of the story. It's supposed to be 'strange'... which will make K3 different to QFR, but there will be a few similarities. Hope it doesn't annoy you and HOP.

  19. Yeah, I thought so. It's just that... HOP had the opportunity to put emotion in. The best opportunity I've had for it is... Visas talking to Darren in the Cantina. >_> I plan on putting more into the next chapter.


    Well, I never could play music. I tried... but I was told I was 'hopeless' :lol: maybe it stemmed from my hatred for listening to instructions. I like to do things my own way, but you can't learn music yourself, not unless it's a natural gift.

  20. Guitar Hero? It's an game for consoles, where you get a guitar and you play songs. It's like the next best thing to playing real guitar... and great for people who aren't musically gifted, such as me! :D


    What did you think of HOPs chapter? I loved the part where Duran 'died'. Not because I'm sadistic, but because the emotion was fantastic.

  21. Sorry for the late reply, I had £40 left over from my holiday (about 50 euros) and I saw Guitar Hero in HMV for £40! Had to buy it. So I've been playing it for ages.


    I don't think the vocab. works with first person... but I certainly dont' see the problem with my words in QFR. Isn't having a wide vocabulary good? :confused:

    Obviously I put words in silly places sometimes, but not all the time.


    Btw, congrats on the new internet connection :D Now your online button thingy won't be going red mid way through converesation.

  22. Sorry, I fell asleep at the laptop last night, and the battery ran out lol

    I got my grades today though. I'm disappointed with one thing, but happy with the rest. :)


    ps. @what HOP said: Yes, I am! I just logged on, and realised it was up the second I fell asleep.



  23. Someone told me that milk gets rid of freckles. I got excited, but then they told me it also makes you fat.


    Not sure how that works, but I don't plan on trying it!


    Reading? You actually have a class for that? Our 'reading' grade is like 5% of our overall English Language grade.

    I bet you got like full marks on your maths.. you seem like a very mathsy sciency person. Or at least someone who understands it well.

  24. Ohh, I know Trig. It's a 'B' question, but apparently I can't do it. Gawd. I hate teachers. this is why I don't talk to them!


    You only do geometry and trig? Thats a bit... uh... not a lot? We do the 'average' maths, on the lower paper... but I was always getting 100% on the practise papers, and 100% on my coursework. How couldn't the teachers have realised I could have gotten a B?


    GCSEs... dont know what it stands for, but they're basically big exams which determine whether you get into college, goes on your CV, and you get judged on it for the rest of you life.



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