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  • Location
    Northern Ireland, UK
  • Interests
    Classical Roman History; UK Constitutional Law; Writing; RP-ing
  • Occupation
    Law Graduate; Civil Servant
  • Current Game
    Real Life
  • Web Browser
    Mozilla FireFox
  • Favorite LucasArts Game
    EaW, KotOR & JKA
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  1. Yes, I agree, I haven't started watching it yet, but a superficial inspection definately shows that the Sean Bean version is much much more mature. It may have something to do with being in the infantry, but still, it could just be the director:D Perhaps I'll read the book while watching the show...:)


    Yes, the University can make finishing a book like Master and Commander difficult, but a hundred pages? Drink some coffee, SW01!! GO FOR AN ALL-NIGHTER!:D


    Well, life has been good:D It's been pretty quiet, but I've recently competed in a Martial Arts Tournament, and I did pretty well, having a good time:D I haven't been all that busy lately, so I've gotten the opportunity to write and read quite a bit:D That's about it:)

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