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    Over the bridge from Australia
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  1. Well, that makes sense. :) I have my own horror story about getting the trial. Okay, here I am on the home page of Star Wars: Galaxies. I've surfed the internet for the past few days, reading everything I could about it, and I've finally decided to get the trial. And now I'm ready. I hit the button. Eighteen hours later, it finishes downloading. I try to install it. It installs perfectly. I try to open it, and it comes on. I hit the 'Create Character' button, and--


    Nothing happens.


    Yup, something was wrong with the download! So, I set it to downloading again, just because I'm crazy. Twenty-five hours later, same thing happens. I'm fed up by now, so I finally sent a question in to the Customer Support, describing my problem. The first thing they told me to do didn't work, but then one of the people there sent me a link to a launcher that makes it a thousand times easier to download/play several MMOs (Everquest, Pirates of the Burning Sea, Star Wars Galaxies, and some others). Worked perfectly. :)


    I swear to this day that I will NEVER download another trial from the computer! Well...at least until TOR comes out. ;)

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