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  • Location
    In My House
  • Occupation
    I Go To School
  • Current Game
    Jade Empire
  • Favorite LucasArts Game
    Kotor Tsl
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  1. hey Darthyuugi do you have by any chance the visas unvieled mod? if so can you send it to me at reapper_jvasquez@yahoo.com thanks !


  3. I'm doing ok just been addicted to Xbox Live lol :D

  4. Hey, how are you doing

  5. Yea, I saw. It look's like filefront is still up. But I don't know for how long...

  6. Yeah, Kotorfiles is not down yet lol

  7. Hey Man


    You doing all right

  8. Hey, it's me from YouTube. I'm adding you as a friend.

  9. Sorry to hear about Filefront

  10. Just wanted to say sorry about Your Brother


    May he rest in peace

  11. Well if it's about a certain someone giving you what appeared to be no end of trouble, yes.


    Another one of similar contextual taste which we also spoke of I think is on a temporary ousting/hiatus. :D


    Thanks. Actually, a funny thing, that certain someone actually sort of mused at my name when I first joined. People started jokingly wondering about a game of GTA: StarWars city...I just figured since it's my play on 'vice city'--why not put a mugshot of its star.


    ..oh lordy--my furball is loose! Gotta catch her!!!

  12. If i think i know what You're talking about then Yes thats been cleared up ;)


    Glad to hear from You buddy


    Also nice new avatar :)

  13. Ah glad to see you liked them.


    Everything okay? "Sorry I couldn't be more help y'know?"--mission vao

    RE: the "debacle" you told me about--without being too specific.


    I.C.U. Been gettin' pretty busy there, buddy. ;)

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