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Laserschwert last won the day on September 24

Laserschwert had the most liked content!


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    Cologne, Germany

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  1. Hello ı want to make an RPG Monkey island game combining the elements of the first 2 monkey island games. In the game we can visit all the ıslands like in pirates game and we can get all the people to join us.


    There will be skills like thievery voodo magic and sword fighting. We can captain our ship and fight in the seas just like in CMI. I have prepared the story and every thing. İt will be basically same with only little differences.


    I saw your work in the SMI ı want the game to be in CMI graphic style.


    I am waiting for your reply, I am a business man and donot want to let this project die.


    I wish you can help.

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