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  1. Hey reapper nice to meet you!

    I wanna know if you succeded in put custom models into kotor???

    I wanna start a proyect but depends on this


  2. i Can't wait when u finish Sith Stalker :)

  3. Sup i talk with darth deadman he gave me contact for ya due sith stalker model.

    Just want ask if posissible to make/convert for TSL. Just theoreticaly if i got rights on that mod are u able to convert to TSL ? Thnanks :) Oh and if u want join conversation we are here :) :http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?t=209478

  4. No I mean for the mods to get outta storage again. You're on a list of people waiting. ;)


    I have so many, you're referring to the one that gives herr "eyes", correct?

  5. I have the mod but I prefer to send them over PM's. I will send you a private message containing the mod when I find it. Just give me a couple of minutes.

  6. hey Zimmmaster do you by any chance have the Visas Unveiled mod? if so can you send it to me at reapper_jvasquez@yahoo.com please and thanks

  7. hey Dwarfgh do you have by any chance the visas unvieled mod? if so can you send it to me at reapper_jvasquez@yahoo.com please and thanks

  8. hey Darthyuugi do you have by any chance the visas unvieled mod? if so can you send it to me at reapper_jvasquez@yahoo.com thanks !

  9. hey Kraken646 I also want the Visas Marr "Unveiled" mod too can you send it to me too? my e-mail is reapper_jvasquez@yahoo.com please and thanks

  10. hey Miles do you have the Visas Marr "Unveiled" mod? if so can you send it to me my e-mail is reapper_jvasquez@yahoo.com please and thanks

  11. hey Vaner hows it going hey do you have the Visas Marr "Unveiled" mod? if so can you send it to me my e-mail is reapper_jvasquez@yahoo.com please and thanks

  12. hey Zionosis do you have by any chance have the Visas Marr "Unveiled" mod? if so can you send it to me my e-mail is reapper_jvasquez@yahoo.com please and thanks

  13. hey Kaall do you have the Visas Marr "Unveiled" mod by any chances? I serach the net inside and out for it and cant find it if you do have it can you send it to me at reapper_jvasquez@yahoo.com please and thanks

  14. there is a waiting line for Visas Marr Unveiled mod?? ok how long would that be?

  15. OK check one more for the waiting line for when I get my stuff outta storage again. Noted.

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