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Spiketheclown last won the day on October 7 2024

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  1. Thought you could be interested to see: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/VideoGame/MI2LeChucksRevenge https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/VideoGame/FateOfMonkeyIsland https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/VideoGame/TheMisteryOfManiacIsland https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/VideoGame/NightOfTheHermit https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/VideoGame/MonkeyIslandTheDevilsTriangle https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/VideoGame/AlGurbishInNickItAndRun https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/VideoGame/TheTreasureOfDrunkIsland
  2. I have been thinking for a long time that Italy needs its own analogue of TV Tropes. There are so many local things that are little-known in the Anglosphere (including those MI fangames, and also Tony Tough, Prezzemolo, etc.)
  3. Hi, can I ask the admins to add some game materials to the fangame database? Namely, those are: 1) The DOTT fan sequel A Tentacle Hero by Mats Berglinn (storyline+graphics): https://archive.org/details/ATentacleHero 2) MI-inspired game Picaroon: The Lost Years that was formerly Monkey Island: The Lost Years (demo): https://archive.org/details/PTLYDemo01 3) Legend of Big Whoop by Monkey Arts: https://archive.org/details/legend-of-big-whoop 4) Monkey Island Adventure 1 and 2: https://archive.org/details/monkey-adv-01 https://archive.org/details/monkey-adv-02 5) Maniac Island Hell Party: https://archive.org/details/maniac-island-hell-party 6) Maniac Island Trading Card Game: https://archive.org/details/maniac-island-trading-card-game 7) Monkey Island SE 2D: https://archive.org/details/monkey-island-se-2-d 8 ) Lorraine Threepwood and the Curse of Tafkasomm: https://archive.org/details/lorraine-threepwood-and-the-curse-of-tafkasomm 9) Also, I have the old versions of the Maniac Island games that have some significant plot and graphics differences: https://archive.org/details/maniac-island-1 https://archive.org/details/maniac-island-2 https://archive.org/details/maniac-island-3 Thank you!!!
  4. 1) CMI is the best of all games in terms of graphic style (better than MI1 and MI2, not to mention EMI and Tales). 2) In general, the cartoony high-res style (CMI, King's Quest 7, Discworld 2, Toonstruck) is the best ever. Cartoony pixelated (DOTT, Sam & Max Hit the Road) is also great, and 3D and photorealism cannot hold a candle to them. 3) I don't like Star Wars AT ALL, and I hate it that LucasArts switched to making endless Star Wars titles instead of adventure games. 4) Game remasters are boring and useless, they would be much better off making full-fledged remakes with changes in plot and puzzles (think Leisure Suit Larry Reloaded)
  5. Hi everyone, I've just noticed that http://www.voodoofgisland.altervista.org/ is down, and the fangames from it are unavailable for download. I know that many of them are available on Mixnmojo, but some, like "Legends of Big Whoop" by Monkey Arts and MonkeyADV 1 and 2 by Alessandro Straface, are not. I wonder if anyone happens to have them or knows where they can be found? Thank you!
  6. Regarding the MI2 ending, I've always felt like it was some combo between "child's fantasy" and "magic spell". My own theory is that Guybrush is really a kid in the Big Whoop amusement park, but the park is a magical place which made Guybrush's pirate fantasy a reality, and turned his bully elder brother into his archenemy because this is how Guybrush viewed him.
  7. To all the people complaining about the art style: don't worry, there's always the possibility of a fan remake. For instance, there was a CMI "classic edition" project with pixel art: Personally, I'm a huge fan of CMI, so I would love a remake in THAT style 😀
  8. Hell yeah, I want "nice big juicy icons full of pixels", as Ron said in 2013!
  9. Hi there, I just discovered a stash of old MI fanfics from the 1990s and early 2000s on the Wayback archives of Worldofmi and Lucasfic: https://web.archive.org/web/20080316075709/http://www.worldofmi.com/features/fan/fiction/ https://web.archive.org/web/20080224191108/http://lucasfic.mixnmojo.com/ Finding this stuff after all these years feels so nostalgic, I really hope for a comeback of some sort.
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