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  1. I don't really have any personal projects no. Just helping with the SFR skins is all I'm really doing. I don't have the dedication, time, or knowledge to do anything on a large scale like a planet or extra quests etc. I can do skins though and add armor/ weapons, that, I'm capable of doing.

  2. Yes I have. Its very good, I like it :) The chiss could have a more pale blue, or better way of describing it, a little more faint. I've got my mods coming along, do you have any personal projects?

  3. Oh yes of course. I emailed Trex after he got all the files to ask, but he hasn't really responded as of yet... But it can wait I suppose, I have all sorts of things to keep me occupied. Oh yes, did you see the reskinned Chiss I did for TSF? I still have to do the ds transitions -___-

  4. Erm, he, I was thinking about plying it and found it! :) Bad new is, its around 1 gb. But by chance that imgood news is, Trex has the files again, and so do a few others so ask around. :( Also, its by chance that im here. Post on my acc so I know when uve said something :D

  5. Okay ahah. It could just be a temporary link or something. I emailed him, but lord knows how long that may take... If megaupload wasn't down this would all be fine -_____- you could put it all in one zip or rar and then host somewhere. How big is it all together?

  6. Hmm, i doubt Trex would want me to. And it'll take a while finding it. Not sure if i still have it ! Ill ask though, but alot of my bandwidth would be used...

  7. I played the ROR demo, (loved it) I got mad when the demo ended. But I've been wanting to play tjm, but I haven't been able to because all the links are down :( if you could upload them somewhere or send them to me I would much appreciate it :)

  8. you kow sir, there are two things which I strongl agree ith yo on. 1. Want a k3 fr then Tor

    2. Love TC's.

    have you played TJM 1.0

    It was a little low quality but will wet your appatite for TJM 2.0 and ror as well as all the other TC's out there.

  9. I really enjoy TC's even though I've only done like the first 4 minutes of the ROR demo. I just want a kotor 3 badly. Kotor is one of the few games that I have gone back to time and again.

  10. Oh god, I completely agree about the subject of TOR. I haven't tried it, but don't really want to. I followed it a bit, but I just really don't like mmo's. A KOTOR 3 would've been sooo much better. Even if it was by Obsidian, which if they weren't so rushed, TSL would've been a lot better than it was. Being about to see KOTOR in today's graphic and stability, and combat standards would be beautiful.

  11. hey, lol youve bumped 4 TC threads :D

  12. The Exile as a Chiss by Varsity Puppet I believe. I forget if he released it here or not, it was a while ago.

    And sorry for takeing so long to reply, I had computer issues.

  13. what is your avatar of?

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