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Status Updates posted by MsFicwriter

  1. *HUG* Here's to better days, and I'm sorry about your computer. :(

  2. *poke poke* Check Reckoning! :)

  3. *poke poke* How are you? :)

  4. *psst* There's a lurker on here named AdolfSatan666. I hate to be a tattle-tale, but perhaps you'd like to flag him for an inappropriate username(?)

  5. *Tag!* Would you please review my story? It's long enough for a decent critique on here. :)

  6. *wink* I have an idea, and I sure won't tell anybody on Fanfiction.net if you give me suggestions for characters. What do you think about me doing a "Fab Four" kind of deal, with Kreia, the Exile, Character X, Character Y, and a droid as a tag-along? I mean I'll focus on them and ignore all the other "slots".

  7. After considering it, I used your suggestion about the "iHolocron". The Revan part, however, stays because Qyzen Fess is going to return in the next chapter and teach Per'dra that not everything is about "teh gr4t35t Sith Lord EVAR!" :p

  8. Again, muchas gracias, and I do hope you continue reviewing these! :) In the next chapter...wait...I don't even want to tell you, because that'll spoil the surprise! :p

  9. Again, O_O. :) Would you do me a favor and think up some diabolical ulterior motive or end (besides death) for our main characters? :)

  10. Also, to me, the whole thing with Goto makes no sense. Why does he spend all that time and all those droids trying to kill you when he really wants to hire you? Since there is no G0-T0 in my story, I'm going to have one of the Exchange's crime lords on Nar Shaddaa work for either Sion or Nihilus.

  11. An idea I came up with for you is to make a golem character. He bargained with the Void to gain a soul of his own, so he'd be free from his arrogant and abusive master. What Golem discovers is that having a soul has a price, and what if he's simply exchanged a bad master for an even worse one? For the item he receives at the tavern, how about a carved glyph that makes him more able to resist the Void's pull? Kind of like a golem tattoo.

  12. Another chapter's up! :)

  13. Are you still on here? I have some questions for you about Scientology and its higher levels/occultism.

  14. Being a "good" critic is all about enjoying the story (or not) and then making comments, observations and suggestions. Basically, if you say more than "good/bad story", good work!

  15. By the way, did I "grab your throat and squeeze?" *LOL*

  16. By the way, you can wake Tael up and have him watch the burning Paryer in the distance. Per'dra will also talk to him and make sure his head's OK. :)

  17. Check out "KOTOR III: Reckoning" in the BCC.

  18. Could you please have her start on the (rebuilt) Dantooine academy? I love that she's a Cathar, because let's face it, having everyone be human is boring. XD

  19. Could you please read my 18th chapter of Gestalt? It's about when my character is utterly rejected by the Prime Machine for a Career, and my best chapter yet...

  20. D'oh! I meant Jolee. Will fix.

  21. Dalren can encounter Statira now if he wants. :)

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