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Everything posted by thelightfang

  1. Hey man, still alive? A post in Darkness Within would help move the story along. :)

  2. I wasn't really gone, I just thought other people should post. I haven't seen LDR, and you and Ficwriter moved the story along quite quickly. For example, how did Varik get Kif out of the speeder? How could he keep up with everyone if he was carrying him? And how can he watch the door when he's so concerned about getting Kif to the infirmary?

  3. Yeah? That's rough man. A virus "can do terrible things to the" machine. xD

  4. Hey, I don't know if it's dead or not yet, but a post in the Darkness Within would help it considerably, especially since you could move the story along.

  5. Zarev isn't driving the speeder he's in. >.<

  6. It was that Chevron got me excited about upgrading my lightsabers, and I was still thinking of that when I typed to you about your blasters. Lol.

  7. At least you're not messing up your messages, huh? haha, unlike me.

  8. Yes, I meant blasters. Whoops.


    One more thing, you could be on your way to the armory, look in there and not be able to find them, think about who had them last, and come find me.

  9. Your lightsabers weren't in the armory. I hid them in the cargo bay. o.o

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