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Asterothe last won the day on April 22 2022

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  1. The previous game I had this was Thimbleweed park!
  2. I don’t want to talk about the art since so much is said about it but after having seen the trailer I wonder still about if Guybrush is a kid or not. Why there’s scrapbook with his name on it? So that all the games are his imagination and pages on the scrap book?
  3. I'm sure they are aiming to sell to the new fans more than existing fans.
  4. How about a drinking contest ? Winner gets the doll! (Need to find near-grog quick)
  5. They sell it for $850 on ebay cheapest one. Your kidney is worth much more!
  6. Thanks! This is from Escape right? I finished it when it was out and forgot the details.
  7. Is there a place Guybrush says monkey died from exhaustion?
  8. BTW the ship in the teaser is LeChuck's!
  9. It should be like Special editions are. As long as you do not press a key it should not give you any.
  10. Not that much. 😀 But the original $175 was a steal. Even with tax and postage and errata on the book it's a good deal. Voodoo doll should have been included really! 😀
  11. It's such a wasted opportunity to not have voodoo dolls ! BTW after having missed the presale you do not want to know how much I paid for it.
  12. No need to apologize. I tried again and could not get it but he mentions in Wally's room. Maybe he's just making it up (since he does not want to admit he likes doll houses) and he does not have a sister since at the end we only see 2 siblings.
  13. I have yet to find an easy Ron adventure, so I have faith in RTMI that will be satisfactorily difficult.
  14. The length and complexity of MI2 Part2 and MI1 Part 1 are amazing. They consist most of their respective games. You can do 3 trials in any order or find map pieces in any order. i hope MI3 will have something similar! Also there are very short parts like MI2 Part 3 or MI1 Part 2 which are defined by travelling to a new location.
  15. Ron said it will be a solid pirate adventure in the adventure's interview. So we are good! And Willy Beamish! Oh my , only makes me remember disk swapping. On Amiga you had to swap disks 1000000 times. Disk 2 had something every part of games needed so it was hell.
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