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Status Updates posted by mimartin

  1. I live in Texas so that means about 80% of my friends are conservative. I’m conservative myself, but I do think for myself and have some very liberal ideas when it comes to social issues. I just believe in protecting the little man and his rights before protecting special interest and big business. I want small government, but not at the expense of the little guy.


    Also this is political discussion done on a gaming forum, I see know reason why it should ever get personal. I have no real clue who I am debating. I know nothing of their life experience, so why should I care that they disagree with me. It is suppose to be fun, not serious business. :xp:

  2. I love how the commentators always say, “some of my best friends are “a member of the group I’m about to insult today.”


    Happy Holiday to you and yours too, I hope everyone has a safe one.

  3. I love the game play with Infiltrator Shepard, but he is a total heal. Romancing Miranda instead of Tali and the game make me feel like a jerk for doing so. I was wondering why out of all my male Shepards I have only romanced Miranda and Jack once each, not I remember. On Insanity I will go back to Tali because otherwise this Shepard is a keeper. Now the only questions will be; can I keep Tali alive on Insanity and more important, can I keep Shepard alive.


    I have ran like crazy every time when the game says evacuate while shutting down that Blood Pack Base on Zada Ban. Come to find out the danger was all an illusion. Shepard got stuck on a crate while running and the game waited until I got off the crate and away before the explosion. :(

  4. I meet with the Asari Councilor in Undina's office last night before going to bed. Am I getting close to the end? My green bar on war assets is full. Only have 2 side missions open, one go find something and the other for the Elcor ambassador. Figure I will do the ambassador quest first and then see if I can find the other thing. Had to cheat on a few because I had no clue where to look and the stupid reapers kept showing up.


    Getting worried about being railroaded.


    I let a reaper catch me last night in the scan mission just to see what happens. Hoping for a cool cutscene...was disappointed. No penalty though, so who cares.

  5. I miss my childhood too. It was a better simpler time with things like Robert F Kennedy’s assassination, Martin Luther King Jr’s assassination, the Vietnam War, Watts Riots, civil rights movement, Watergate…



    I actually may have stolen my post from there as I remember seeing that before. :)

  6. I never told you?


    my fault

  7. I only explored the Black Mountains last night for the first time. I had gotten as far as the upside down satellite disk on one of my prior playthroughs before turning back because of my lack of proper firearms, companion and not enough radaway to feel comfortable. So last night was the first time I meet Raul. Have yet to find Lily either as I have no clue where Jacobstown is located. Guess it is too the northwest as I have pretty much explored the southern and eastern part of the map.


    Missed Veronica’s one hit kills too much last night so I added a mod to allow for multiple companions. I’m still only going to use one at a time so Boone can stay at the Lucky 38 unless I decide to go hunting Legion again.

  8. I planned to come here to gloat, but Ohio State played a great game.


    Still the University of Texas prevailed.


    Texas 24, Ohio State 21


    Hook’em Horns!

  9. I saw it was the top story on local news down here, way overreaction.


    People are pretty upset over Houston not getting a Shuttle. Even my mother is blaming Obama for that. I don’t really care, we have a Apollo and I believe more people will see the Shuttle in New York and LA. People around here already support NASA. Marketing to LA, New York and the rest of America the importance of NASA makes sense to me.

  10. I started another female character which I’m planning on making an energy weapon specialist (need achievement). Going to do a more direct playthrough as I got most of the running around achievements last time through (Globe Trotter, Master of the Mojave, The Legend of the Star, etc…)


    Still haven’t decided who I will side with, most likely Mr. House. Think I'll try Raul as a companion this time around.

  11. I still have BioShock 2 setting on my coffee table unopened. :( Last week work got extremely busy, so I haven’t even been able play tribute to my Mass Effect fanboyism. They may kick me out soon. It is terrible to get home from work and be too tired even to play a game.


    The original BioShock took me a few levels to get into, but after that I was hooked and could not stop playing.

  12. I still have had no issues on my side. Killed two dragons, both seem to behave normally. Like you wrote, they may have died a little faster than before, or it could be that I have a better sword and a leveled companion with me. I really love the shout Dragonren. :D


    I even found my wife that disappeared after the marriage. She somehow ended up downstairs in the temple.

  13. I talked to everyone, had to look around to find them all. Don't know about finishing tonight it is already 43 mins past my bed time.



    Forget insanity...

  14. I usually do Overlord sometimes after Horizon and Overload and LotSB sometimes during the last loyalty missions and picking up the Reaper IFF. After you finish LotSB I will write more. Worried I may expose you to spoilers.


    Not a big fan of Firewalker, so I've only done it once. Need to give it another try.

  15. I was about to send out a search party to scan the internet in search for you my friend. Not only did you post a visitor message, but you stirred up the Senate somewhat. You should feel good the best worse only thing they come up with in a reply was ad hominem, pure and simple.


    Thanks for the link, however when information such as this come up, I miss my cat buddy. :xp:

  16. I was just thinking about Palin as I read the thread in Ahto about the German Children trying to elope to Africa. I was wonder if Palin even knew where Africa was. :D


    I’ll wait for the swimsuit edition before I order mine.

  17. I went in search of on the internet, but could not find a definitive answer. It looks as though everyone assumes it will, but could not find an official source saying absolutely it would have a toolset. I did see where the developer stated that they had to add Obsidian dialog system to the G.E.C.K., but could not figure if that was for their own use or if it would be released. If that is true, then it does sound like the G.E.C.K. from Fallout 3 may work for everything, but the dialog system.


    I purchase Fallout 3 for the 360 and later for the PC, even purchase the GOTY addition for the PC. With a Bethesda games, the safe choice is PC.

  18. I would, but at work right now.


    If you still need help in 6 hours, Bremiaha's your girl

  19. I'll check when I get home tonight.


    Yesterday was really nice as I had off for Presidents Day, but everyone else that wants to use my time was either at work or school. I woke up at 7:00 am and played ME2 to about 3:00pm. Then after walking my mother's dog and helping her with dinner came back home and played from 6:30 pm until 10:30 pm. Waste of a day, but it is what I needed. :)

  20. I'll wait for the reviews. Still haven't played The Witcher over a few hours.


    And by reviews I mean what you and others on the forum say.

  21. I'm as ready as I'm going to get. We have a 10 person team now, with 4 people having to walk at a time. One is dealing with Chemo now, so I'm thinking it is really 9 walkers, although I have no doubt that she will do everything in her power to walk as much as she can.


    I'm wearing my running shoes. A couple years ago in the March of Dimes walk (5 miles) I wore just my Nike's and they were filled with blood before I was done.

  22. I'm at Level 48 (The Level Cap is 50 at this time). Think I'm on the next to last story line planet. From the feel of it I would say I'm over 1/2 finished with that planet.


    I bought the game more to support the forum. LA hasn't exactly been lighting it up with great games. Some have been okay, but IMO the last great game was TSL. While the KotOR fanboy in me wanted TOR to fail, the person that loves this community knew TOR had to succeeded.


    Still don't know if it will succeed, but I do know they let BioWare produce a really fun game (even if I do cuss it out loud from time to time). I really hate dying in video games or RL for that matter. :)

  23. I'm getting really worried now. Stay up until 3:30am (old time) playing last night and this is one of the best games I've ever played despite some of the graphic bugs and my utter hatred for the map. If everyone is bitching so much about the ending it must really be bad. Have Tali' onboard and already used that button.


    I have kept telling myself that everyone just wants the lollipops and unicorns ending, which to me would be out of place in this game, but I'm starting to think I am the one being delusional. Without reading anything I am thinking I know the ending from hints within the game and if that is the ending I am going to be pissed. Because that would mean that I'm just as imaginative as the writers and that should not be the case. Damn it Achilles, I’m an accountant not a writer. :)

  24. I'm sure Texas has done something similar or worse, but never seen it.


    You should go get you picture taken wearing an Obama shirt.

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