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Found 3 results

  1. We've come a long way from listening to midi files by Highland Productions. We need a thread for sharing the excellent music covers on Youtube. This guy has done several Monkey Island covers, I particularly like his Barbery Coast and Jojo covers but they are all good.
  2. So, I've been making music for 10+ years and unsurprisingly, some of my biggest influences are the amazing LucasArts composing trio of the 90s, Michael Land, Peter McConnell, and Clint Bajakian. I've spent a lot of time reading interviews (Thanks MixnMojo!), studying midis (Thanks Highland Productions!), and researching what equipment they used in the day (Thanks Mr. McConnell!) In my spare time, I've remastered a few of my favorite tracks from the old mt-32/sc-55 days using the synths and samples that they used (Proteus modules, K2000, E-MU sample cds, etc.) in the vein of the SoMI CD soundtrack or the remastered tracks on the CD release of Hit The Road! So I figured, maybe I can take this idea to a whole new level. What if I made custom, specially optimized SoundFont banks for each game that use the sounds and samples from the modules they would use for their CD remasters? That way, you can have the quality of those CD soundtracks, without sacrificing the amazing features of the iMuse system! So my question to all of you is, which ones would you wanna see first? Lemme know your thoughts in the comments!
  3. Hi everyone, I was wondering if there is a plan to resurrect the old websites dedicated to LucasArts games Soundtracks. I accidentally deleted some of the soundtracks I've downloaded in the past and I cannot find them anymore. Particularly, I am missing the FLAC version of the Sam & Max Hit the Road Soundtrack recorded from SC-55 by LogicDeluxe; maybe someone could help me find it/share it with me...
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