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any roleplay sites or clubs out there

Sith Primarch

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Seriously, if you're going to start some RPG server ****, either clearly mark it in your server name and MOTD, or don't bitch when I catch the lot of you on your asses singing coumbyah thinking about the field day I'm about to have.


I understand the whole RPG angle (http://www.1stfistoflight.com), its when people start forcing it on others and if they don't comply, its that they are a lamer, or a dumb ****, or (insert insult here), and I'm tired of the half-baked bull**** you ignorant wankers pull thinking that there's only one style of play, then pull excuses/arguements that can come right back around and hit you on the ass.


Welcome to the jungle.

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Most 5+post threads that I've seen lately tend to focuse more or less on "honour" vs. "STFU & play".


The sad thing is that these honour geeks simply don't understand that THEIR way of playing can not ever be enforced upon others. :(


There is no need for admins because there are no rules that should be followed.



* no admins, no voting = good game.

* Admins or voting = BS game where 12/15 players concentrates on starting kick votes about anyone who THEY think might be doing something that ain't completely and totally honourable jedi'ish behaviour...you know: like attacking your opponent or something. :rolleyes:


I used to be all for this "let's act nice online"-stuff but now that I've realized the hypocrisy and total retardedness of people.. **** it. I'm going to play the way I want and if you don't defend yourself you will die. :)


Happy gaming.

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Stop laming Rad...I bought the game like the rest of you and I will play it however I please...I enjoy pretending to be Lando Calrisian and I don't like SWG so I will go to any server (grendel etc...) and campfire all I want...


There is nothing you can do about it...I am the worst kind of rpger there is...I lame you lamers by rpging where you want to FPS...


I will /amsit on the flag and spam binds screaming at you in multicolors to bow...I will tell you exactly how dishonorable I think you are (and I do)...and sooner or later I will force you to follow the saber code...I will bow to you so many times you'll think its a career...


And if you dare come to my server I will turn you into a frozen, sleeping armadillo and then I will slap you until you disconnect...THATS why I bought this game...I live to enforce rules and turn my gaming time into work...JA was made for me not for you so YOU go play SWG...


check out the name tag...you're in my world now grandma


I am the rpg lamer who lames fps lamers...ph33r me :fett:

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yes i do, when the other servers are full and laggy...and ok ok, sometimes i go to rpg server, they cant herd me into 3 servers!!!:mad:


And traij's posts are pretty funny, dont you think you are being abit uptight.


Its like this 95% 5%, 95%-rpg, 5%fps, its very hard to find a good server and i dont really want to be limited to ctf for the rest of my life either :rolleyes: because some f0ggot wants to talk about saber colours, its a god damn game and i think we deserver more than 5% dont you think??


I used to be sorta into honor and stuff as well, until i realised how bored i kept getting. I try not to make trouble on the rp servers, but there are alot of whiners

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dude, I am arguing with Rad...YOU are arguing with TiePilot...we can both win if we stay focused...but they are trying to divide us and they are succeeding...


all I'm saying is that you play your way and I'll play my way...that is not pointless :fett:

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There are some rule servers that have people who actually fight in it. If you would just play by the server's rules, you would not get in trouble. Getting amsleeped or kickbanned is NOTHING to be proud of. And since 95% of the servers have rules and admins, there must be more people who like to have rules than those who don't.


Let me tell you something... The JK2Files.com server has rules and admins, but there is often a spot on the map where there are people FFAing. You can always join in that, or just run around with your saber activated until someone else ignites theirs and you can fight them. If that doesn't work, you can always try challenging the people to private duels.

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O so getting kicked for killing some guy who turned off his saber in the middle of a battle is alright then.perfect and completely ok for the admin to do that??? i dont think so, its sometimes nesscessary to join a rules server and when i do the things i get kicked for are rediculious look ^, thats forced me to change my outlook.

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TK882421537 is right...lots of times on my server i rope off a 4 foot by 6 foot circle for FFA...play in THERE...


otherwise run around in a circle (AND ONLY A CIRCLE NO OVALS) with your saber ignited, then bow 3 times, recite the last line of the second scene of Ep 2, press k and maybe you can have a lightsaber fight...


if thats not your cup of tea you are free to join us for our singalong by the campfire...its a good time and Darth Kenobi always brings great jedi treats...


just follow the rules guys and don't lame and I won't have to rcon frozen armadillo you...


may the force be with you



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The JK2Files.com server does not have admins like that, Tie Pilot. The admin has to see the laming before they even sleep the accused. I was in there once, with no admin in at the time, and one guy was laming and using every foul word in the book. Then, an admin joined. Then when we all explained what happened, the lamer started acting all innocent and started obeying the rules. So the lamer basically got away.

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Originally posted by TK8252MJL

Yet another pointless post made by the one-and-only... traj! :rolleyes:


And Tie Pilot, you say that you join your no rule servers, and then whiners come in and RP and complain about saber down= peace. So how are you complaining about being amslapped and amsleeped if you are in your no rule servers with no admins? So you DO go to admined servers?


How are you supposed to know if a server is admined or not by just looking at the name?


He, like everyone else has stumbled upon many admined servers while trying to find a normal gaming server that isn't really a chatroom in disguise. After killing a few people, you know whether it is an admined server or not. Because if it is, you'll be turned into a dead raccoon, sleeped, /ampunished and banned in a matter of seconds.

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what so instead of servers, we are penned into certain areas lol!!!, sounds crap to me, and i would rather have guns and full force also, someting u cant have in your rp servers, which are "sometimes" necessary to join. Lemme ask you this, have any of you actually enjoyed a full blown ffa yet, i have and it beats rpging away. those were the good old days :(

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Originally posted by TK8252MJL

The JK2Files.com server does not have admins like that, Tie Pilot. The admin has to see the laming before they even sleep the accused. I was in there once, with no admin in at the time, and one guy was laming and using every foul word in the book. Then, an admin joined. Then when we all explained what happened, the lamer started acting all innocent and started obeying the rules. So the lamer basically got away.


omg that lamer is sooooooo lucky i wasnt admin there when he was laming...


you didnt happen to write down his name did you TK8882523MKL?


I will rid JK2 of bantha poopoo like this


may the force be with you :fett:

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Originally posted by traj

Stop laming Rad...I bought the game like the rest of you and I will play it however I please...I enjoy pretending to be Lando Calrisian and I don't like SWG so I will go to any server (grendel etc...) and campfire all I want...


There is nothing you can do about it...I am the worst kind of rpger there is...I lame you lamers by rpging where you want to FPS...


I will /amsit on the flag and spam binds screaming at you in multicolors to bow...I will tell you exactly how dishonorable I think you are (and I do)...and sooner or later I will force you to follow the saber code...I will bow to you so many times you'll think its a career...


And if you dare come to my server I will turn you into a frozen, sleeping armadillo and then I will slap you until you disconnect...THATS why I bought this game...I live to enforce rules and turn my gaming time into work...JA was made for me not for you so YOU go play SWG...


check out the name tag...you're in my world now grandma


I am the rpg lamer who lames fps lamers...ph33r me :fett:


Two words:


Board troll.



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Originally posted by TK8252MJL

Couldn't think of anything better to say, Rad?


Not really, I was thinking about linking his posts on FK, then proceeding to link unnamed's post in a certain thread talking about how people like traj do nothing but asskiss FK, and pull a spinjob, but that would require effort.

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I am not trolling, I am sharing my opinion on the lamer vs rpg debate same as you...I have been playing this game since early 1.3 and my opinions are as valid as yours...


just because you fps lame and i rpg lame doesnt mean we cant have a civilized discussion...


did you mean board troll or bored troll?


and you're so lucky i dont have rcon here Rad...oooooh the things I would do to you


may the force be with you :fett:

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Originally posted by traj

I am not trolling, I am sharing my opinion on the lamer vs rpg debate same as you...I have been playing this game since early 1.3 and my opinions are as valid as yours...


just because you fps lame and i rpg lame doesnt mean we cant have a civilized discussion...


did you mean board troll or bored troll?


and you're so lucky i dont have rcon here Rad...oooooh the things I would do to you


may the force be with you :fett:


If u have played from 1.3 then you have never known true ffa, as far as i can remember when it all went wrong, i just started playing again recently so im not sure.

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