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Tired of Reb whinning


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Anyone else tired of rebel whinning about AT-STs? You are NOT supposed to take one out all by yourself. Not even with a handful of rebels do you stand a chance in hell. How many regular grunts do you think can destroy an abrams tank with just their M16s? You rebs don't understand that Imps have the upper hand at this point of the war. If you had the upper hand WE would be considered the 'rebels'. You are supposed to have the support from different races accross the entire galaxy, why don't you get together and come up with a descent strategy then blindly shooting at every AT-ST you spot. ok, rank over.:atat:

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when u run into town why not trying to fight without your baught pets and ur ranking on rebs for what? kicking your at-st's ass

the upper hand doesent mean ur invincible its not fair that u have bases and rebs dont even if they dont give rebs walkers they should have bases


-to all the imps it doesent matter what you have or how strong u are theres a rebel out there that can beat you why just the other day i saw an imp with stormtrooper armor, 2 stormtroopers, an at-st, and a pet AND he got dropped by ONE rebel

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The rebels did not win by over powering the Empire. They won by outsmarting them. PERIOD. Fair? What is supposed to be fair? Quit crying about things and use your advantages that the Rebels do have. From what I can tell, the Rebels outnumber the Imperials on every server. I guess there is not only strength in numbers, but also strength in crying and whining.

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Correct me if I am wrong, but a soldier does not go into battle with his own 3 abrams tanks. Which every other soldier has there own 3 abrams tanks. I am completey in aggreance that the Empire should be stronger...to a point. I feel that not every Imp should be allowed to access a AT-ST until they reach a certain level, let alone 3. Not every soldier in the army is allowed to have 3 F16's for his own personal ammusement. And on top of that, I feel there should be more requirements for maintenance. I am sorry but the last time I tried, a band-aid didn't fix my broken car, so how in the hell does a stimpack heal an AT-ST. I also think that if you have an at-st it should be the only pet allowed out at the time. No more look I have a Rancor and 3 AT-ST's. There is alot of work that needs to be done and I hope they don't nerf the hell out of the AT-ST's, I love finally taking one down in a group. The Empire needs to have the upper hand in thechnology and weapons, that makes them the Empire, but the way things are going is that more and more people are joining the Imperials because of the AT-ST so how are the rebels ever gonna have a larger number to fight them.



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Originally posted by Randon_Star

kdubby how are u to tell me to quit crying YOURE the one whining about how imps should be winning


and jarstult is right u guys have too much period

I would reply, but I honest do not know what you just said here.

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Originally posted by kdubby

The rebels did not win by over powering the Empire. They won by outsmarting them. PERIOD. Fair? What is supposed to be fair? Quit crying about things and use your advantages that the Rebels do have. From what I can tell, the Rebels outnumber the Imperials on every server. I guess there is not only strength in numbers, but also strength in crying and whining.


u said i was crying did u not?

well ur the one crying because u think that rebals shouldnt be winning and that imperials should have an advantage


-wow lol its pretty self explanitory u must be a moron

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As a member of the United States Army, I have to say that Spideydoc's arguments are full of you-know-what.


Sure, it's hard to take down an Abrams. But not EVERY SOLDIER IN THE ARMY HAS THREE.


And sure, in the GRAND scheme of things, the Empire is supposed to have the upper hand. But when such a clear unfair advantage is given to one side in a game, it makes it tedious, frustrating, and makes me lose my willingness to participate.


When every lowly Novice Artisan imp can have three ATSTs or Dark Troopers, it's UNFAIR. When I have to worry about getting a TEF because some yahoo who just logged on yesterday and got some faction can take me out without me even getting off a shot, it's UNFAIR.


I don't pay to experience Star Wars in its fullest. If all I wanted was that, I'd watch the movies. I pay for an enjoyable playing environment. And this is not enjoyable.

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ok keep it down folks.... no flaming in here or ill be forced to close ALL wining threads.


as a former rebel... i tend to agree with most rebels here.

and i also agree that the imps should have the upper hand in equipment.... but uhmmm correct me if im wrong... not EVERYTHING in this game goes by the rules of the movies... and correct me if im wrong..... this is a GAME!!!!!!


so it should be FUN to play... not frustrating.


so my final word is. yes imperials should be able to have an AT ST...

BUT.... 3 or 4 is just TOO MUCH!

and yes the rebels should get something to counter the AT-ST's.


but also remember you guys... soon space will come out.... you know how the rebels kick ass in space dont you? x-wings, a-wings even y-wings are 20 times better then most tie fighters.

the rebels will rule space in no time :p


Corzip Dinn

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Hey, don't look at me. I just have 3 STs for RP reasons. I almost never even have them out.


As far as the AT-STs go however....I can only wonder how much of an impact the vehicle patch will have. Keep in mind, Imperials prefer combat walkers over combat speeders. That may be why the devs aren't jumping to do anything.

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lemme tell you a little story i had happen this weekend.


i came home from a night out and decided to logon and check out my harvesters, so i could plan the next days play.


all the loading finished, i saw the city, and I WAS DEAD.


DEAD because some punk bit### found out how to exploit some damn commando problem. once i cloned i watched literally a dozen imps i knew die off en masse because of this guy. does that match an at st?


it's a bug. it will be fixed. but for now it matches and exceeds an at st. and more importantly, it's not fair. i want to comment on the whole "enjotment thing.


I'm in full agreement. this exploit crap is far from any kind of fun. this jerk walked into a crowd of a dozen imps and took us all out before we could target him. he took out 2 storm troppers i had, and then a third, then a fourth. ALL my faction pts i have been spending 2 weeks building are gone.


i can see having a probe droid or a pet or two, but 3 rancors is out of hand. three dewbacks is out of hand. 3 at st's is SO far out of hand i cant express just how out of hand it is.


i have been doing imp missions for about three weeks now; when you only get 15 or so fp for each kill, then only 30 for the entire mission completion, that's not exactly "low level characters walking around with a platoon of stormtroopers. " not when they cost 400+ fp each.


a better way for at st to work would be you have to be promoted to at least lieutenant before you can requisition one, and then the 9500fp cost shouold be good. that makes for alot of hard work to get there. you'll deserve it by the time you get to lt and build up 9500 fp.

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Um, perhaps you're just not doing it right matsui. I average 1000FPs an hour. That's two and a half STs and hour, or a promotion every hour or two. On average, each mission gives four Rebels at 15FPs a piece and the target which is about 10FPs. The math breaks down to about 70 FPs per mission. Therefore, if you select two in the same direction, and are halfway decent at combat, that's roughly 140 FPs every 5-10 minutes.This should work for Rebels as well. I will advise that using a less visitted mission term will work better, as you don't have to worry about competing spawns or mission stealers.


As far as the strength of STs, I think you overestimate their usefulness. I lost two STs in under 10 seconds before. So I don't think three STs is over powering. I will agree that some form of ranking system might be nice, allowing you only one ST at your first rank, and perhaps as high as 5 at the Field Marshall rank. Just random thoughts however.

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I will agree, i complained about at sts, but i got different views now...


instead of constant bitching, or throwing **** towards the devs, i decided to do something about it...


im not gunna say what, cause I don't want everyone doin it, but ill just say its class(s) wise.


Here's my only problem with at sts.


they are powereful in the fact that 1 at st can take out a kryat dragon...




i dont wanna hear no it can't cause I watched one do it.


but, my friend is a master combat medic...and he just uber poisened the soldiers of at sts,


so heres my only thoughts on at sts



SidSpinmove can agree with me on this,


does a private in the army get his own abram, let alone 3?


NO, at sts should be like some other faction things, RANK based.


that will bring order to the game a bit, so we don't have simple artisans having at sts


so, yea, rebels CAN stand some chance against at sts, and the challenge makes it semi fun, what i get annoyed by, is when some punkass uses it to be a dick, like when I'm running and doin simple reb destroy missions, and some punkass with an at st kills me...granted yea, faction part of the game, but 1. the huy went out of his way to do it, and 2. he bragged about it, and lastly, dude, jsut let me do my ****in mission, its hard enough to actually do a destroy mission in AH anymore without someone else doing it for you, but to have to worry about a freaking at st n00b killin me along the way? **** that ****!


ugh...my $.02

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man, i dont know how you can get out to missions to do that many an hour. maybe intrepid has it's missions further out that whichever you are on. but i cant run that fast. ive been doing the 2 mission near each other. even coming across random yellow rebels i have never been able to move fast enough to get that high. i cant see how you can nail down a thousand in hour.

i use all the special shots and my stormtrooper pals, and that can get it done fast, but.....even burst running in both directions...there just too far away.

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Six words.....


Imperial Oasis West of Mos Espa


Lot's of dumb Rebs like to run raids on us. Don't they know that when they are not around, we pull out all of our faction toys? Let's do the math. 30+ Imps, each having three pets...... equals 120 Imperials. A 10-20 man Rebel raid is then reduced to canon fodder in exactly ten seconds from the cross fire. Now, then the rebs lie there dead sending tells about how unfair we are. No, not unfair, just not dumb enough to attack without sending a covert scout first.


Now, don't get me wrong, I saw Rebs slaughtering Imps by the dozens yesterday on Naboo. Of course, shuttle camping can cause that I guess. Rather than creating a well thought plan, the rebs simply resort to cheating. That's the spirit folks. You are so manly when you PK loaders.


/end vent


Anyway, I don't actually use the Oasis anymore, as I have my own little FP hunting ground which is only mildly slower.

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