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Pop limit for SWGB2 - Poll

Darth Windu

What should the pop limit in SWGB2 be?  

11 members have voted

  1. 1. What should the pop limit in SWGB2 be?

    • more than 500
    • 500
    • 450
    • 400
    • 350
    • 300
    • 250
    • 200
    • less than 200
    • no limit

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I voted for 300 as well for reasons others have put.


However, there is a decent argument for making it more than this. AoM's pop limit is 300, though admittedly it is hard to obtain this since you need several settlements to do so. By the time SWGB2 is released I'm sure computers can handle more than that.


The big question is whether or not to have multiple pop costs for units. This question has been raised before and I believe most people agree that an AT-AT should cost more population than an astromech droid. So since SWGB1 does not have multiple pop costs, 250 pop is potentially more units than SWGB2's multiple pop costs with 300 pop.


If you can follow my argument above then I congratulate you, but basically what I'm saying is we should take into account whether multiple pop costs are the go or not.

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Vostok - well, assuming the pop limit for SWGB2 is 300, and using my 'pop slot' system for various units, here is what would happen-



SWGB: 250 max

SWGB2: 75 max



SWGB: 250 max

SWGB2: 600 max


So as you can see, there is a significant difference.


Pbguy - i was the 'rocket scientist' who voted for no limit, because i figured that no-one else would vote for it, and it would mean i wouldnt have to keep clicking 'see results' to find out where the voting was at.

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