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where is my jedi cowl?


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i was looking forward to the jk3 demo, specially to the new moves and the character/light sabre creation feature. but i had to recognize that much is missing. pe i thought i can manufacture my own lightsabre with many single parts to have a unique one but unfortuneatly you can only choose diffrent models and 5 prefabricated blade colors :(

and the character creation tool was also a little bit disappointing to me, cause i assumed that you can chosse a jedi cowl/robe (the brown/white one ) and this characteristic hair cut with the little plait. you all know what im talking about :) thats is a great pity imo, isnt it? i assumed it cause it is a game you can be a padawan. so where's my robe!? ;) damn im so sad :/

or perhaps this model/skin is just missing in the demo (i really hope so :)) and if not, i hope someone can make it soon

anyways a good game (at least the demo is pretty cool), only these features are missing imho


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Originally posted by RuX

cause i assumed that you can chosse a jedi cowl/robe (the brown/white one ) and this characteristic hair cut with the little plait. you all know what im talking about :) thats is a great pity imo, isnt it? i assumed it cause it is a game you can be a padawan. so where's my robe!? ;)

Those robes have moth holes because those kinds of clothes are used 35 years before this game takes place :)
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This is AFTER the movies, AFTER Return of Jedi. You know that, right? This isn't Obi-wan Kenobi's Academy or anything...I mean it seems you basically just show up, get a saber, get Force, and become a Jedi. Besides, there are no Jedi "uniforms" even in the Old Republic (the time of Attack of the Clones). They have freedom in what they wear, but they usually just don't exercise it. ;)

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i think a jedi robe choice would be cool...and i'm hoping for lots more choices in the real version...and in the NJO books the jedi do wear jedi robes a large part of the time....especially the skywalkers and the solos. also the "strike force" outfit would be cool as well...(p.s. it's too bad they havent worked KYLE into the NJO storyarc)




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while not featured in a NJO storyarc he was mentioned briefly in one of the earlier books. Luke was wondering where some of the masters were and mentioned Kyle as one of the ones that was absent from the meeting.


robes would be cool only if you could take them off. it doesnt bother me either way. if you set your settings as high as they can go, youll notice some of the excellent detail by the raven artists in some of the torso choices. markings and etches in the clothing are abunbant and really bring out some cool designs

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Originally posted by BuRn99

while not featured in a NJO storyarc he was mentioned briefly in one of the earlier books. Luke was wondering where some of the masters were and mentioned Kyle as one of the ones that was absent from the meeting.


That was Force Heretic 1: Remnant - actually one of the more recent NJO books. ;) He wasn't specifically thinking of masters, just jedi who were absent in general, and he thought that if any one of them was dead then he wouldn't be able to forgive minself. Well, not exactly in those words, but I'm at school so I don't have the book to hand. :o

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That was Force Heretic 1: Remnant - actually one of the more recent NJO books. He wasn't specifically thinking of masters, just jedi who were absent in general, and he thought that if any one of them was dead then he wouldn't be able to forgive minself. Well, not exactly in those words, but I'm at school so I don't have the book to hand.


Sounds like a not-so-subtle way to "leave it open for future plotlines."


Just imagine, a game that explains "why he wasn't at the meeting."


I just hope they don't go the cheap route and have Kyle get killed off to add "grittiness" to the train wreck of a series the NJO. There's plenty of other EU characters I'd rather see die before him... ; p


But that's another rant...

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Originally posted by Kurgan

I just hope they don't go the cheap route and have Kyle get killed off to add "grittiness" to the train wreck of a series the NJO. There's plenty of other EU characters I'd rather see die before him... ; p


But that's another rant...

I feel your pain...


"Look we killed off another character! That means the story has depth!" :mad:

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Originally posted by Kurgan

I just hope they don't go the cheap route and have Kyle get killed off to add "grittiness" to the train wreck of a series the NJO. There's plenty of other EU characters I'd rather see die before him... ; p


But that's another rant...


That's uncanny! I read at theforce.net forums that originally they were going to have a "throwaway" reference to Kyle's death, but that was changed because it would have limited his role in future games ever so slightly. :p

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