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This game better not have so many bugs on release.


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I sure hope the buggy state of the demo does not represent the stability of the full version when it come out. And if it does, I hope to God for a release patch.


System specs :

p4 @ 2.6 ghz

1gig ddr ram

Radeon 9800 pro 256 ddr-2


And i'm having problems during loading. Just about half the times I try to load a level it freezes, forcing me to restart manualy. I hope that there is going to be a release patch, having a buggy JA would be a shame.

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Like Kurgan said, run the system checked and also the DirectX diagnostics to see if there is a driver issue at hand. and also this is just a demo, so a lot of features and optimizations arent in place or activated.

By the way, what do you consider it to be locking up.. like how long do you wait before restarting..Also, try getting the latest drivers and make sure you are running DirectX 9.0

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There is a bug with saber throw.


Every now and then it decides it does not want to work despite having plenty of force.


What I mean by "not work" is you toss it, it comes back, press the key for a second throw... nothing.


press key




press key




repeat for about a minute.


finally it works again.


(My alt attack is bound to mouse3 on a microsoft explorer)

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If you have a microsoft Mouse, check the mouseware setup utility and the control buttons.


I suggest you change the buttons in that config utility to what you want to use in the game.


THEN, go into JA (or JK2) and change the buttons to match.


This should solve most problems associated with those.

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First post and here's my system specs:


AMD Athlon 1400 Thunderbird "B" (it's the 100 FSB version)

512 MB PC-133 RAM

GeForce 4 Ti 4200

120 GB HD


SB Live!

other things I don't remember

Windows 2000 Professional with SP4


I set up the demo with everthing maxed up. NO problems or slowdowns of any type.


However, my wife's computer {


AMD Athlon XP 1800+


ATI Radeon 8500

100 GB HD

MSI (some POS version)

Windows XP Home Edition




crashes when she tries to run the map after choosing her character, etc. She gets that dreaded Windows XP problem reporting screen. Needless to say, she's not very happy with this situation. :(


Maybe it's the ATI card as someone suggested. *I'm* getting this game for my birthday on Sept. 25th so I am just glad that this demo works flawlessly on my computer. :D

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Just to add my 2 cents...


I initially had a problem with the sound when I first installed the demo - but only in the first demo level. I fiddled with the options for a while, which didn't work...then rebooted my system, set EAX to Off, and that seems to have cleared that issue.


The demo also crashed on me at one point...I reloaded a saved game several times, and the last time I tried it, it crashed. That only happened once.


The only other thing I experienced was a slowdown with volumetric shadows (which I expected on my outdated system in spite of the Radeon 9700 card), and very slight texture corruption in a few places - which I put down to the Radeon card, which has always been a steaming pile of bantha poodoo in that department with other games.


It looks very much to me that people with ATI cards are more likely to experience problems with the demo...and possible the full game.


My next card will be Nvidia...

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There are tons of bugs in the demo outside of these performance issues. Most of them I've seen relate to the model and animations. Surfaces passing through each other or into walls, invisible surfaces in models, and the bounding box extends far beyond the model. You can stand in the air about a foot or two(game scale) off the nearest ledge.


Also I consider the gameplay a bug (though *some* people might consider it incompetent design). The Saber fighting is going to be mad button mashing for some of the saber styles. Fighting 3 reborn with 500 health, unlimited Force, faster ability to use force powers, and a saber style that is as fast as blue and strong as red....WTF was Raven thinking? I bet this game will be a Save/Reload fest. I dont care how good you are with a saber, you simply dont have enough force to break all the dark powers theyre using on you.


I've lost all faith in Raven and this game :( Any chance I can be redeemed?


And before you say "It's just the demo"...the game is already gold which means its finished, which means that this demo likely DOES reflect the quality of the final, even if not all the features are implemented.

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The "bugs" you mentioned are present in most video games. I have never seen a game with perfect hit detection that never ever had a single texture problem or clipping mistake or 100% realistic physics. That kind of thing just happens, especially with PC games where you have the developers trying to get their game to work on tens of thousands of possible combinations of video cards, sound cards, and other hardware and operating systems all within their deadline and on budget.


I bet this game will be a Save/Reload fest. I dont care how good you are with a saber, you simply dont have enough force to break all the dark powers theyre using on you.


Three words for ya:


Force Power Absorb.




Also, more than likely when you get to the Chandril (I assume that's the one you're complaining about here) mission, you will have enough force points assigned (if you were smart and planned ahead) that you will be able to block just about anything they can throw at you without having to cheat.

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Originally posted by Greymon

Also I consider the gameplay a bug (though *some* people might consider it incompetent design). The Saber fighting is going to be mad button mashing for some of the saber styles. Fighting 3 reborn with 500 health, unlimited Force, faster ability to use force powers, and a saber style that is as fast as blue and strong as red....WTF was Raven thinking? I bet this game will be a Save/Reload fest. I dont care how good you are with a saber, you simply dont have enough force to break all the dark powers theyre using on you.

I haven't really had any problems defeating the Reborn. I guess I must be cheating. Perhaps with a little practice you will see that button mashing is a good way to get killed. :)


Originally posted by Greymon

I've lost all faith in Raven and this game :( Any chance I can be redeemed?

Play for more than ten minutes?


Originally posted by Greymon

And before you say "It's just the demo"...the game is already gold which means its finished, which means that this demo likely DOES reflect the quality of the final, even if not all the features are implemented.

I hope the demo does reflect the quality of the final product, because the demo is a blast.
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