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Rebels! Read This!!!


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OK, I'm gonna get FLAMED for this one by a bunch of too-powerful Imperials, but my ego is strong, and I don't care.


I was just in Anchorhead on the Ahazi server 15 minutes ago, when a single Imp came in and walked autonomously through the town.


How could he do this? We all know the answer.


He had 3 ATSTs behind him.


Any overt rebels were instantly killed, and there were about 10 of them. No covert rebels went running for the recruiter. Why? Because they're sick of being slaughtered.


I'm sick of the slaughter.


So, if you're a rebel and you're fed up, PLEASE do what I did.


Open a CSR ticket and complain about this.


Now, I know the CSR tickets aren't supposed to be for this, but it's the only recourse we have at this point. When an Imperial that just logged on this week can take me out without me getting off a shot, then something is seriously wrong, and we need to get seriously mad about this. One person complaining can be ignored. 100 cannot.


Now, I know the imps are gonna flame me with that tired "The Empire is SUPPOSED to be stronger!" song, and I'm laughing at them ahead of time. First of all, in ANY military a low-ranking nobody would NOT be given command of ONE of those things, much less three. But that's a weak argument. Here's a stronger one.


I don't pay to get my rear kicked around like a noob every day. I don't pay to be frustrated in battle. I don't pay to have one person be able to take out me and all my friends. I don't PAY for a grossly unequal PVP combat.


And, I don't pay for a dead-on true rendering of the Star Wars universe. If I wanted that I'd just pop in my DVD's. What I pay for is an ENJOYABLE game IN the Star Wars universe.


And this is starting to fail in that.


SPAM the CSR's! They'll hear us!


-Sid Spinmove

Project Mayhem


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i hear yah pall...

i even gave up rebel.... but that was not because of the AT ST... it was because of the TEF.


I hate it when people drag you into a PVP without you wanting it.... the only frikken reason for covert rebels is that they DO NOT want to fight.......... if i wanted to faction fight.. i would go OVERT!


well.. thanx to the imperials... im not going to join ANY faction anymore... cause they are just lame.


and i agree.... this guy on Talus dragged me into a PVP with the TEF.... and he had 4 AT ST's with him..... gee what a chance i had for winning that one all by myself.....


and then you start to complain to the person.... and he says:

well its a faction war... get used to it....


well if you ever want me mad.. you should do something like that to me.... i gave up factions..... nothing but grieving going on in there.


-Wraith 8-

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I actually agree with you buddy. I was one of the big supporters for the current CH system, which still isn't exactly what I wanted. Then, as soon as they do a fix on that, I see an Imp with three friggin AT-STs. In any event, I am an Imp, and I can't stand it. CHEESY! Good luck in your endeavors. I really hope they fix this.

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these are the same people that drove me from all the online versions of the first person shooters, and the other mmorpgs, and diablo, and everything else.


their idea of fun is winning. period. they dont care or even KNOW that there is a difference in how you play.


overwhelming force is fine for the air land battle doctrine the us military has. overwhelming saves our lives.


not in a video game.


how can you possibly have a good time beating up on someone that CANNOT do anything back? where is the real effort? these little punks have toooo much handed to them. they likely didnt even pay for the game and definitely arent paying for the monthly.

piss me off.

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Actually, I forgot to post the only other thing that pisses me off even more.....


Shuttle campers. Got nabbed twice yesterday. How cheesy is that. Twelve rebs at just about every shuttleport on Naboo. Yay! How cool for you that you can kill people while they are loading.


In other words, I have a list of Overt Rebs that will find themselves clone stuck very shortly. Thank you, have a nice day. I don't like loading dead, now you will feel my pain.

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