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Weapon loadouts in JA


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This is probably my only gripe about the demo, and consequently the game itself.


They seem to give us weapon loadouts. And I thought that was great! Finally a more realistic gaming expirience where one man is not lugging around several tons of weapons on his person. Let alone the fact of where would he STORE them all during missions!


Kyle doesnt have a backpack, bag, etc... unless he has super deep pockets, the fact that I could pull out any of 9 full sized weapons out of thin air always worked to ruin my immersion into the game.


Well, first of all, you still get to choose 2 full sized weapons. I would have much rather we only got to choose one, as it is more realistic that way. But I could live with that


Then I noticed that in reality, the loadout is an illusion, for as you dispatch your enemies during a level, you start collecting their weapons too... by about half way through, you are probably fully stockpilled once again. I was hoping they would limit how much you could carry this time around. Having to make on the spot desicions of either keeping your Imp Carbine, or chucking it for that repeater on the floor there. It would have added another level of tactics into the game. Maybe this coulod have been done only for the Jedi Master level or something. But atleast made it an option.


Anyone else feel like this?

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Frankly, I don't have a problem with it, since I sacrafice a lot of realism already in the name of fun in these games.


You'll notice that on the two missions in the demo other than the weapons you started with there were not a whole lot of weapons to be found in the levels.


The enemies mostly just carried hand blasters in Tatooine, and there was one guy with Thermal Detonators (and a hidden TD belt in one secret area that I found).


And of course on the temple level you had a couple of Concussion Rifle guys and one or two guys with blasters, but everybody else just had sabers.



Though, it would be funny to go on a mission as Kyle and have his "Squire" (he is a Knight after all) some kid from the Academy carrying a huge backpack loaded with all of Kyle's gear and toss it to him when needed. ; )


Hmm... that could be a mod.... imagine two Jedi and on their Taun Tauns facing off, with their squires holding all the hardware....

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Hehe.. Intersting idea, I like it.


But back to my original gripe, the only reason it really bothers me is because it is so blatantly impossible to believe.


I know I know.. this is Star Wars which makes it sci fi. All based on stuff that should be impossible to believe. But being able to carry 9 full sized weapons in your pocket MUST cross the line! lol


It just would have been way funner to add that aspect of tactical gameplay, where you better choose a good weapon for the job.


These two levels are just an example. Most levels have enemies which use a varied assortment of guns on you. Collect 'em all!

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Yeah, that was a really cool in-universe way to explain it. ; )


In the last two Indiana Jones games they had "bolted on" weapons so that you could see them on your body (weapon slung over shoulder, on belt, in hand, etc).


Of course even that wasn't completely 100%, as it only showed max of four weapons, when you could have more.


Still, I would expect limited carrying capacity to feature in a game like Republic Commando, but not JA.


Maybe you just have a self-contained miniature black hole in your pocket or something. Who cares...



You also have an invisible camera droid that gives you a live video feed everytime you whip out your lightsaber (and another attached to your chest when you switch to guns). ; )


And a bunch of invisible elves that automatically grab the stuff you step on and transfer it to your inventory or use it on you (taking the ammo out of those dropped guns and placing it in your current weapons).


It goes on and on....



Now why don't they let us shave with our lightsabers again like in JK/MotS? Sure Kyle's got the beard now, but how about those other gents?

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Here's an idea. If you want a challenge, or if you want to play the game more realisticly...take your 2 weapons, and start the game. Then, when you see a weapon on the ground that you want, trade it out for one of the weapons that you have. You can drop them...right? That way, you can make it so you can only carry one weapon at a time, or 2 if you wish (not including the Bryer...unless you can drop that...). Anyways, it's just an idea.

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I agree that it seems to sort of defeat the object of restricting your weapon loadout for each mission if you can simply acquire a lot of others. However, you may have noticed while playing those levels that ammo for your blasters etc., seems to be a bit more limited this time around. There were only a couple of 'ammo' stations dotted around the Tatooine level - and if you try to rely exlusively on guns in the game, you'll find your ammo running out quite quickly.


So in those terms, you are still being restricted, and I view that as a good, rather than a bad thing. Blaster weapons are useless against the cultists, anyway - they even push your detonator packs away...I know because I tried dropping it on a guy's head, and he kept pushing them away. Also...if you plant them...the cultists simply force pull them off the walls. Clever little devils.


But I digress. At the end of the day, you still have a 'choice'. You can choose not to use any of the weapons you pick up along the way, and just stick with the saber, and your original loadout weapons. That's what I will probably do when I get to play the full game.

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