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GREAT DISCOVERY (kicks with single saber and much more)


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Okay okay


Ill tell you all exactly how it happened.

I was in the mos eisley level, just when you get rid of chewbaca, in that room where the door is sealed.

Well i was fighting some reborns (spawned) in that room, just to practice.

And well if you all didnt knew it you can change your saber stance with the setforceall 3 facing in the midle of the mentioned above door (also in some other places) and i holded the change saber style buton as always, stoping on yellow as always so i can change to blue and red.

But one time i stoped in yellow and it was a diferent stance.

After trying those all new moves i realize it was the staff moves (even the katas, everything) and well i could also kick :D.

It looks really cool because you hold your saber as if the staff was cut to half.

Ok so i thought maybe it was bug or something so i tried again, switching styles and stoped in yellow and the fourth time in worked.

So when u use the staff u can change to one saber, yellow stance, right?

So you should be able to use the dual saber moves with the single saber stoping in blue and so on. Till you get it.

I know this is not exactly the way those cultist kick, but ohhh well.

Ok so you all know how to do it, now you can all try it and see it for yourself.

I have some amazing pics, but i dont have how to put them in the web. Somebody please help me doing that.

Ok thats all, ill be trying to see if i can find something else.


By the way, maybe if you figure out how to do it with the duals moves, you can do the saber barrier with one saber :D

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Ok i havent found the exact formula to kick, all i have got is that you can kick by pressing rightmousebuton (alt fire) and then any direction (you kick in that direction), and also by holding the left and right butons of the mouse and then any direction. Works but you have to throw your saber first i guess.

Its oviously harder than kicking with the staff.

Hope someone finds the way to do it correctly.

I have pics of me kicking (i also made the c+w+mouse1 of the staff :D) if you wana see them. I need a host to post those pics.

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You may be on to something... I'll check it out when I wake up.


*hope this isn't a dream*



Back in JK2 we called those the "Desann" (red) and "Tavion" (blue) stances. Basically used for AI but not players. The SetForceAll 3 cheat seems to give them to you in JA.

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When I use the "setforceall 3" command an I switch styles, theres a strange bug, when I switch from blue to red and then from red to blue, I can't change the styles anymore, when I try to change to the yellow stlye it just hops back to the blue. But the blue style that I use then is some other style, but I can't kick and I can't do any special moves, looks like it's the one-handed stance from the dual sabers.

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When I use the "setforceall 3" command an I switch styles, theres a strange bug, when I switch from blue to red and then from red to blue, I can't change the styles anymore, when I try to change to the yellow stlye it just hops back to the blue. But the blue style that I use then is some other style, but I can't kick and I can't do any special moves, looks like it's the one-handed stance from the dual sabers.

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Originally posted by Kidso

I'm confused how are you guys switching stances to begin with? The demo doesn't allow me to switch unless i turn into kyle and back again.

I don't know. I guess I mucked about with the codes so much that I can switch in a limited sense. :confused:
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I did that once. The idea I gathered was that turning on "setforceall 3" gave you all the stances from all the weapons. (Single saber, Lightstaff, Two Sabers) If the guy's holding one saber out in front of him, parallel to the ground, and that's when you can kick, then it's most likely the staff stance.

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hi people i found something new (maybe not, i dont know if this info was writed before)


you can play as litle kyle :p

you have to change your player to jawa (playermodel jawa) and the to you again (playermodel player) and you will be yourself but small, and you will walk like a c3po and scream like that jawa.

Very cool because your saber is still the regular size and somehow people dont c you till you hurt them.

To change back to normal change to kyle and then back to you.


And another cool stuff, if you change to r2d2 and then back to you, well you will move like him but you can also turn 360º your head like the exorsist.


I have some pics maybe if tesla link them ill be able to show them to you.

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Ohh you can also be very big by selecting chewie and then you. And you scream like chewbaca, but you move slowly.


One very cool thing i noticed while fighting with the staff stance using single blade, is that when holding s+d+atack (back, right, mouse1) the player makes a sequence like the regular ones when you hold down the atack and a direction, but at the end of the movement he drops his saber from the left hand and pull it with the right hand, well i am not good explaining you must see it for yourself, very cool.

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I hate doing specific numbers, so when I type setforceall, I just throw in a bunch of numbers (like 142352135). I did that, and than decided to see what level all forces were at. Every thing was natural, with the level four mind trick as well, but saber offence was at 7. So next time, use setforceall 7 instead. No one will ever beat you in a saber lock again. Not sure if it yeilds special stances, as I havn't experimented much with it.

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Originally posted by Dark Cloak

Hey, that bug about not being able to cycle through all the stances: It stops after the second blue. When I try to change again, it blinks yellow, but won't get past the second blue stance (Tavion's ;)). Any remedy? I tried setforceall 3, 4, 5 and 7. Even 9. But zip.


I'm having the same problem. I thought it was designed that way until I read your post.... I even made a new topic on the subject before this... Can you change your single saber stance if you have dual blades or a staff? Everytime I retract a blade it only allows me to use the "fast sytle" - I've tried setforceall 1 - 10 and nothing happens... is it a bug or not?

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well, the demo was designed to use just one stance

thats why we are not able to change stances easily (single saber i mean)

but there are some places in the map where you can

you have to hold the changestancebuton and move around till you find a place where it lowers the change speed and moving your mouse till you get it right


for example, in chandrila, at the beginig of the hall where you fight those 3 reborns

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