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Big Game Hunters?


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Sure you have bountie hunters and what not, but my question is do people ever role play as like a Hunter, to make moola. I wanna hunt and have my own place and have trophies and such. Is this possible? Also does anyone ever try to be a 'priest' and preach? Some odd reason that sounds fun. lol



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Sure they're priests, they're called Jedi, they just didn't preach.


Remember in A New Hope in the meeting at the begining that one guy says to Vader that "You're all that's left of that ancient religion" then Vader puts the choke hold on him and says "I find your lack of faith disturbing"


As far as role play is concerned I still haven't really decided how to play myself. I play a bounty hunter so I'm kind of like a loner, but at the same time I'm a nice guy, as long as there is no bounty on your head. :) I refuse to join a PA. Now I thought about saying this is because I hate polotics, but I am with the Imperial Empire. So that excuse goes out the window, or does it? Hmm, the Empire is really a dictatorship, no polotics involved....let me see, this might work. :p Yeah, that could work. The only people I take orders from is Jabba the Hutt, the Emporer, and Lord Vader himself. Heh, looks like I just found my role play style. :p Now to purchase a PA Hall for myself. But I don't know where to put it, I'm thinking Naboo.

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