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Multiplayer, No-one Joins me!!???


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Hello all.....


I've had Outcast not long after it was released. However, i've made some alterations to my pc since and have only just reinstalled it after about a year or so. I have downloaded all the latest stuff, to 1.4.

I've also installed a lot of new maps and models including the "Enhancers Mod" from the JKII.net site.


Now for some reasone when i try to setup a multiplayer server no-one joins. I've waited for a quite a while, and still no-one. I'm not sure why. My settings are as follows:


Pure Server = Yes

Auto download = Yes

Dedicated Server = No (when i have this to YES it goes to desktop and shows the console for JKII.

Max Players = 5 (all set to human)

Min Players= 0 (if set to higher then adds bots)

Password = none pass set


Now what am i doing wrong?


Can anyone tell me?


I'd be greatful if i could arrange with someone to meet up at a time on the net and play on my server, to try and find it using the search. Thanks...

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From my experience, when you set Dedicated Server to no, it won't show up on any lists.

However, when you're running a 'playing' server, people can still connect to you if they have your IP number by bringing the console down and typing connect xxx.xxx.xx.x (x's being the IP number)


So... set Dedicated Server to Internet and you'll show up in the list. If you want to play too, you need to start 'another instance' of JKO on your computer and join your own server the normal way.


Hope this helps...



EDIT: PS, I've found the quickest way of determining my IP address is by going here: http://whatismyip.com/

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Well... when JK2 brings up the console, that sounds right. when you start up another Jk2 (not closing the orignial console) make sure you're looking at the right game type (IE Duel, FFA, etc) as these lists are different.

Also, what's your server called? Because servers further down the 'alphabetical' list are less likely to be chosen. Sad but true. I pick mine by ping-rate but there ya go.


< also, the dedicated server opitions on mine (and presumably most) are NO, LAN, INTERNET. >


What time zone are you on? I'm on GMT but I'm not sure what the bearing is on others. I think Central USA is -5 but I'm not sure. If you can clarify this I'd be happy to try out a server with you. :)



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I have this problem too. I can join games but can't host them:( . I set my dedicated server on internet like i'm supposed to, and i re-enter JKII. I gave my friend my IP and he couldn't connect to my server. I think its because my computers are networked. I've been trying to open the ports in my router but no luck. Any help would be appreciated:D .



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You made a listen server and listen servers can only be joined by people who know your IP address. You need the dedicated server function on if you want your address to be broadcasted to master lists. Also when you make a dedicated server it is supposed to minimize and the box thing is there. That is the computer making the server for people to join. A good server will just have teh computer running the game because it takes a lot of memory and other computer thingies to connect approx 2-32 players. You should be able to join your game that is running dedicated on your computer by bringing up JK again.


If you want to be able to customize your server better search for something called Jedi Runner. Nice program.


There could also be the problem of a firewall and people not being able to connect.



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:holosid: i think i may have found the mysterious problem.


It seems to be a firewall related thing. I turned off my firewall and i host a server no probs. now...


If i has the firewall on, then my server didn't show in the list. Also, when i run my enhancers mod, it didn't show on the list either. So it was my firewall AND my Enhancers Mod.

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