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Master it, its great! (Leaning)


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The move to master is the dodge while holding "use+A,D".


Can't stand that chaotic overhead slash going right down to ya?, well then master this move its also great for dodging blaster fire cause once u have the blaster fir ein ur face and dodge u automatically force speed =D.


I have seen cultists use it as a means of dodging my saber spinning over theire head to hard to hit those nimble annoyances lol, btw this is from the demo not the real game don't ban me! lol.


Well just master it and the saber fights will become a bit easier, cause the jumping around will be decreased although jumping around is pretty much unvoidable if u use "dual sabers" like me =D.



Peace out fellas try the move ull like it its great hehe.:ewok:

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Originally posted by Kurgan

While cool, I still would rather have the "dodge" feature like you had in UT.


I really didnt like that feature...i kept doing it by accident so i turned it off (ive been playing shooters too long i guess cause i never think about what i need to do to move i just do it and that includes alot of double tapping i guess)


and is the lean really what the Reborn use to dodge?

cause in JK2 it was just a force speed thing

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Yes that is what the reborn and such use to dodge some of your attacks, however, I hate to break it to you but that feature will be virtually useless against other players because of the following reasons:


A.) You have to stop all movement to use it.... you have to be standing still.


B.) You can't move while your doing it.... if you hold down lean you can't move for the duration you have it down.


C.) The enemy jedi in game may be able to dodge your attacks like that but no human on earth has the reflex's to not only judge exactly where the enemy lightsaber is going to go but also to determine if points A. and B. are acceptable disadvantages in that particular case, then to execute the move and hold it just long enough for the enemy lightsaber to miss.


D.) To further compound C. human opponets while swinging a lightsaber at you do not generaly stand still... hence you will have to deal with not only the predictable movement of the lightsaber but also the unpredictable movement of the character swinging the lightsaber.


In short, this ability is barley even worth useing, while leaning around corners with a gun you can't even shoot... It will definitaly be a disadvantage in online play.

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Originally posted by Andy867

Well, obi-wan and Darth Vader didn't move much in their battle in A New Hope. and if you learn to master it, it will come in handy


Man, if obiwan tried to pull that off in ANH, he'd snap his 70 year old spine.... Vader would win by default... and that's just no go.



Obiwans blue aura would be hovering around bent at a 90 degree angle at the waist

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if a 800-some Yoda can fly all about the hangar to fight a very powerful Count Dooku, I dont think obi-wan would have had a problem getting more defensive, although he learned after fighting darth maul that he needed to learn a saber defense technique that is strictly for defense, not attack, unlike Maul and Dooku... Whereas Windu and Yoda were aware of many saber techniques.

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I just like it cause it adds depth to the game system i mean, comon just delfecting everything? I think it was a good idea cause i use it to dodge when saber is down good to dowdge blaster fire instead of taking a few hits also good for dodging hovering sabers above ur head.


Well its just my opinion and in mp it woul dbe great to cause just as fast as a attk is made u can move attk while leaning u slide off to the side so it is very useful even if u have to stand still =D.

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Originally posted by Andy867

if a 800-some Yoda can fly all about the hangar to fight a very powerful Count Dooku, I dont think obi-wan would have had a problem getting more defensive, although he learned after fighting darth maul that he needed to learn a saber defense technique that is strictly for defense, not attack, unlike Maul and Dooku... Whereas Windu and Yoda were aware of many saber techniques.


lol thats the funniest part of the movie, i like it most when yoda flys at dookie, ahem, dooku and makes that screech noise


and i cant get that speed dodge to work when i want it to

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