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Thinking of being a Droid Engineer


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I’m thinking about becoming a droid engineer but I have a few questions first.


Are droids in demand/Do people buy them?

How customizable can I make them appearance wise?

I can understand buying fighter/bounty hunter droids but why would someone buy a protocol or lifting droid?


Thanks in advance. Before you flame if this has already been posted, I don’t know if it’s me but the search field wont work and swgalaxies.net isn’t on the search page.


P.S. - Yes I’m a newb at this game; let’s just take care of that now.

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Not sure on the apearance of the droids but I have seen protocol droids that looked like C3P0 and those like Jabba's old protocol droid.


You can make droids that have different things built into them. Things like crafting stations. This means a doctor can sit in a camp pull out the droid and start crafting high level medical supplies that require a crafting station. Usually he'd have to go into a city to do that. Many doctors keep these out in the med centers while they are healing.


Pro-bots are nerfed right now and they really aren't doing anything in the combat field. Hopefully SOE will address this issue soon.


Bounty Hunters always need droids so you won't worry about no having a business here.


I'm not sure what the lifter droids are for but I have seen plenty around.


I think as a whole the DE class is pretty nerfed. A friend of mine was going to be one but after talking to several master DE's he decided to hold off on it for now till they address some issues.


I'm no droid engineer but I hope I was able to answer some of your questions.

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Well, if you master the profession, and name me a good price, you'll make an easy 15-30k off of me a week. My Advanced Probots with experimented Food and Chem crafter mods as well as a Med Mod 6 and two armor mods always seems to get killed by someone. I am currently on Saiadena-III


Saiadena-I : Never have your droid out to give out buffs to Imperials in Theed. The Rebs love to take advantage of this.


Saiadena-II : Yeah, sneak attack by Rancors while I was healing the party. lol Yep, I said sneak attack by Rancors. :D


I almost lost Saiadena-III due to /follow crafting med supplies. Another bad idea when on Dantooine. lol


Droids are normally needed by the medical profession most. If you experiment the craftings modules, you'll get a lot of repeat customers. Mine was made by a very close friend and has a +15% rating rather than the standard -13%. You do the math. Yep, 25% less failures. :D


Make quality droids and you'll gain a following. I actually buy my droids from a Rebel because he makes the best I've seen. Besides that, I tip well.

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You know those droids at the beginning of Phantom Menace? The ones with the shields that Obi-Wan and Qui-gon run away from? DE's should be able to build those. Those should be like what the rancor is to the Creature Handler.


I keep seeing broken droids like those laying around. I thought I read a dev post saying that DE's would get some loving, along with squad leaders.

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