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Defending Against Sabers


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Well, in the manual, it says you can defend against sabers by being in your ready or defensive pose.


1.) What is my defensive pose?


2.) Well, i stood there in my ready pose and someone swung at me, and it just hit me like usual instead of going into the saber struggle thingys (which i may add are really cool :cool: )


Anyway, think any of you smart guys out there could fill me in?


Thanks for any replys

- Dan

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Well, it's not so much blocking sabers as it is slashing and sidestepping in JO. However, I believe that certain stances are better for blocking than others. As long as you don't attack and your opponent doesn't use a strong swing, chances are you'll block it. It also depends where they swing, though. Try to keep your crosshair centered on them and it'll help to block them. Keep in mind though that there's some moves (backstab and overhead lunge) that are unblockable.

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Your defensive stance is just standing there and not attacking. And make sure you arent trying to block a red swing while in Blue Stance, it wont work. And you usually only go into a saber lock when you both swing your saber and they collide while in mid swing and you guys are in the same saber stance.

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Yeah, all blocking really is is "aiming" your crosshair at the person who's attacking whilst NOT swinging your ignited blade.


While Fast (blue) stance in 1.04 is usually knocked aside by Strong (red) swings, where Fast succeeds is in dodging their attack and getting a hit in before they can recover from their big windup and big recovery from the slow swings (example, use the Uppercut Lunge on somebody to catch them off guard, or the backstab).


It's *almost* like playing rock-paper-scissors: Red beats yellow, yellow beats blue, blue beats red. Not exactly, but you get the idea. ; )

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