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How many weapons are in star wars galaxies?


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Guest DarthMaulUK

here you go: (rough guide)



One-Handed Melee

Survival Knife *Artisan*

Stone Knife *NPC drop only*

Dagger *Artisan*


Gaderiffi Baton

Curved Sword


Ryyk Blade

Stun Baton

Rantok Sword *Quest Weapon*


Two-Handed Melee

Heavy Axe *Artisan*

Two-Handed Axe

Two-Handed Curved Sword

Vibro Axe

Two-Handed Cleaver

Power Hammer

Scythe *Quest Weapon*



Wood Staff *Artisan*

Metal Staff *NPC drop*

Reinforced Combat Staff *Artisan*


Vibro Lance

Long Vibro Axe



CDEF Pistol *Artisan*



DL44 Metal

Scout Blaster

Power5 Pistol

Striker Pistol

DH17 Pistol


SR Combat Pistol


Republic Blaster *Broken cert*

Scatter Pistol



CDEF Carbine *Artisan*

DH17 Carbine

DH17 Snubnose Carbine

E11 Carbine

EE3 Carbine

Laser Carbine

Elite Carbine

DXR6 Carbine



CDEF Rifle *Artisan*

DLT20 Rifle

DLT20a Rifle

Tusken Rifle

Laser Rifle



E11 Rifle

Jawa Ion rifle

T21 Rifle



C12 Fragmentation Grenades

C22 Fragmentation Grenades

Glop Grenade

Cryoban Grenade

Thermal Detonator

Proton Grenade

Imperial Detonator


Heavy Weapons


Heavy Acid Rifle

Launcher Pistol

Rocket Launcher

Heavy Particle Beam Cannon

Acid Stream Launcher Cannon

Beam Rifle *Broken cert*

Lightning Beam Cannon

Light Lightning Cannon




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Most of those weapons can only be made by Artisans, some of them require Master Weaponsmiths to make.


There are no 'levels' to the weapons per se, but the quality (which affects the damage, speed, HAM cost and durability of the weapon) can be increased by using better materials, as well as having it crafted by an experienced weaponsmith.

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hmmm...I don't see any mines in there on your guide DMUK...and I distinctly remember stepping on one as I was walking into a local weaponsmith's store...and I distinctly remember getting revenge on the imps who planted them by making their PA Hall equally unsafe...Dunno what mines I used...they were all called "Up Yours IR" instead of normal name.

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Originally posted by cjd118118

er...thats alot of weapons, do u have vechicles to add to that....:confused:


No vehichles in game atm. They'll be adding creature mounts soon hopefully...because I've walked what HAS to be thousands of miles in this game and walking takes a while...so vehichles are very much looked forward to. OHHHH yeah.

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