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We have a new enemy.. LLLAAAAGGGGG

Guest DarthMaulUK

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Guest DarthMaulUK

Is getting completely stupid.


I have never seen so much lag. SOE claim that the more RAM you have, the less lag. Well I have 1 gig and it lag very badly - worse in Bestine or even Anchorhead.


INVEST some of our money sony



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.... wow... sorry to say but i have nor hear you say one positive thing about this game... why in the siths name do you play it if you dont like it?


i love it.. yes the lag is a downer sometimes....but i learned to live with it :) i always avoid big cities when im on when the US goes online :)

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Guest DarthMaulUK

I wouldnt call Anchorhead a big city.


I only play because its Star Wars and apart from the actual playing community making the game what it is, its a poor unfinished product when considering how much revenue is coming in.


Until the day comes when i can actually sit down, start up galaxies without it crashing, I will be happy. I want the game to work, i really do but the way Sony are conducting themselves with their so called customer service leaves a foul taste in my mouth.



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Once again DarthMaulUK


try the new stand alone Star Wars games since this game doesn't seem to be your cup of tea. This game is awesome and I play with a 56k connection and almost never see lag. As for customer service the 4 times i used it they fixed the problems within 5 minutes of writing them in the game and fixed it while i was playing. I would say sutomer service is great on that part.

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I love the game but hate the lag. I dread everytime I'm overt going to a city. Half the time I get shot at and I can't do a thing about it because I'm at like 1 FPS. It blows. When I'm out in the country though everything is fine.


I guess that's why I solo so often.

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I hardly ever lag and I'm also on a 56k with a somewhat older computer. The only time I lag significantly is in Anchorhead. Major cities don't even lag me the way it does. Even that lag isn't too extreme. I tell you what DarthMaulUK....go play Diablo 2 for about 2 days. Then come back to SWG. You'll find a whole new appreciation for the game.

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I think Anchorhead is paried up with Mos Eisley as far as servers go. You all need to keep in mind that a lot fo these areas are paired up with other areas. Certain smaller cities get paired up with larger cities. There are about 20 actual servers per 'Server'. So you actually have a cluster. So yes, you can experience lag in less populated cities if they are paired with other larger cities.

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