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Forum color theme


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I wanted to redesign some things some time ago too ... but I chose not to. Here's why.


I started creating avatars (actually leon did ... but I quickly followed) ... everyone made them after that.


I started making smilies (someone wanted to have a thrawn smilie ... so I made one and some others after that) ... then everyone started making smilies.


So, I didn't want to overwhelm the GB.com staff with all those designs :)


I'm not a graphic artist. I go to a graphic school and am taught in the ways of how to combine graphics and IT-media. Outside school I work with Paint shop Pro tough ... so what does that make me :)

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Originally posted by Young David

I'm not a graphic artist. I go to a graphic school and am taught in the ways of how to combine graphics and IT-media. Outside school I work with Paint shop Pro tough ... so what does that make me :)


I paint shop pro user who sould use Adobe Photoshop6 or Corel Draw 10. :D:p

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Originally posted by mijtechboy

yeah, I sent a couple of avatars to fergie for his site and a couple of smilies to the forum. I guess I'll wait a bit to send them the header.


No. That's fine. You can send me the header. But I have to say if it will get posted. I'm just the graphics guy. I work for people. I make graphics of what they want. If they want to change it. They change it. But if I like your image. I can show it to them.

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Originally posted by TheJackal


I paint shop pro user who sould use Adobe Photoshop6 or Corel Draw 10. :D:p


As someone who wants to keep all his software legal PSP7 is a good, not so expensive alternative to Photoshop. I use PS6 at school on the mac tough.


I have coreldraw 9, but that's not comparable with PSP or PS ... cause it's more in the line of Adobe Illustrator, a vector oriented graphic program.

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Guest Thrawn

I just use whatever I have. . . I'd like to maybe be a graphics designer though. . . :D Although, we don't have any classes for it at my high school. . . :(

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