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OJP (Open Jedi Project)


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Ok, ladies and gentlemen, we just got our first submission! It's a eopie (the farting creature from episode 1) vehicle model by chairmaster.


You can check it out here. It's not completed yet but it's looking pretty good so far.


Its filesize is small and I think a lot of people would like to use them in their maps if they could.

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To include things like hilts and player models would indeed be wrong.

But vehicles are more like tiny additions.


If there werent some sort of pack, maps would have to include every custom npc its using, wich wouldnt be very good for file sizes.


At first i thought about having some sort of vehicle pack, but why not just use OJP ? They'd both practicly do the same.

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Maybe, although most people probably don't know what OJP is yet.


Unified platform is only needed for code. I'm all for a model pack, but including it with the regular distributions is bloat. It's not like everyone is going to be using the same models. They can just include them in their own PK3.

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Well, that's true. However, it would be much easier if we had a unified platform for it. Just like map textures. If it's something that a lot of people would want in their maps, it would probably be worth it to be a part of the project.


As for bloat, if it got over say, 2 megs, we could just make it a seperate distro release package.


I'll post a poll and see what happens.

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I believe that if you have .NET, you can use the Setup project creator there (at least in Enterprise Architect edition)


b) good diff util: get UnxUtils , it comes with a straight port of unix's 'diff', as well as 'grep' and other useful stuff, or you can get WinDiff, which I like less and Wingrep, which is low-featured.

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VS .NET is a monstrosity of a program




While .NET has it's problems, you've obviously never worked on a massive coding project with particular emphasis on GUI development over several years and trying to co-ordinate between several developers - or you may have a bit more appreciation of why some of the 'bloat' is nessesary...


I LOVE listening to different coding 'camps' talk about the other 'camp' like they don't have a braincell between the lot of them. Makes me laugh... ;)

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Oh I've no doubt your right - .NET WILL flop.


You MAY need to redefine the word 'flop', or it may actually flop.


...but either way you will almost certainly get the satisfaction of saying 'I told you so'.


Sorry, got a bit deep there.


Anyway - sure. .NET sucks. Sure thing

...and were now pretty off topic...



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Well, according to the small poll I created over in the mapping forum. People do seem to be interested in a vehicle pack for map development.


Should we go ahead and give it a try? I'll handle the additional paperwork. :) And if we do decide to do this, how "compete" does a vehicle have to be to be included? Chairmaster's model pretty far along but the animations need to be completed.

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Personally, I think OJP 'packs' should set the standard. All inclusions to the packs should be as complete as possible. So in this specific case, I would say anims would need to be complete...


Basically, we should have a minimum 'standard' of overall quality.

In essense, I think we should ask the question:

'Would this vechicle / model / map look out of place if it had been included in the original game'..?


And - just as everything else - this should be decided by majority.


Of course this will all be much easier to organise once the website is up and running...


Those are my thoughts anwyay.

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