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Bragging rights: your best fights/moves/kills picture thread (FULL version) SPOILERS


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Okay, since the first billion N00b threads asking for help and whining about MP have come and gone. Let's see if we can get this baby going again.


I've got a very special surprise coming up soon. ;) As soon as Tesla can host them you'll be thrilled. :D


In the meanwhile, start bragging with those screens people!

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Come on guys! What are you, asleep!


I just sent four cool screens to Tesla, maybe that'll get this thread kick started. :D


Pre emptive captions:


Aerial bombardment.

He's using the schwartz! Dark Helmet style!

I don't care if you ARE my brother! You're going down!

Only p****** use lightsabers!

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Well, I have nothing to brag about, but this seems like as good as a place as any to place this pic.




I dunno. I thought it looked pretty badass. I was playing around with npcs fighting a mutant rancor. Kyle and Mara were knocked clear across the map and landed safely (more or less) in a mountain area. When I looked to see their condition, this is what I found. So it was an oportunistic pic. But still, I liked it.

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Hey, SamFisher, how did you get shots of yourself from those perspectives? All the shots I've ever taken are always from directly behind my character when in 3rd person view.


I'm sorry. I know I'm not really contributing anything, but if I can figure out shots like SamFisher's, I just might have to! :)

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No screenshot to back this up, but I ain't lyin'.


Fighting a Reborn... did my patented "Airlift" move (Jump over someone and use Force Pull on 'em midjump, really sends 'em flying). Landed, looking around for the Reborn... hello Reborn?.. yoo hoo? No Reborn... oh well...


About a minute later... AAAAAAAAAAAAA-schwack! *snap-hiss* my former opponent falls out of the sky in front of me and breaks his neck, of course... I guess my l33t battle tactic launched the poor bastard all the way to stratosphere, or something. Take that, Luke Skywalker.


Another time I tried to (clumsily) execute the grip-impale combo on another Reborn. Well, I ran out of the Force just as he was right above me, he fell down and knocked me down and joyfully stabbed my guts out...

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I made a really cool kill in MP today. I was playing siege on the tatooine map(That map rocks!). I took a swoop, saw a guy standing and guarding one of those command centers(You know, that ones with a control thing outside, which you have to destroy to open the door). I started my speeder, and flew towards him. when I was very close to the door, I jumped of my speeder, and it flew right into that guy. Ouch! And also, the swoop exploded right on the control thing which opened the door, so it exploded too! I thought that was pretty awesome! And I didn't evn get hurt more than 20hp!

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